Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG All

Top 5000 2200+ CR 2400+ CR 2700+ CR 3000+ CR

Statistics for US 3v3

Class Count Percent
Death Knight 156 3.2%
Demon Hunter 56 1.2%
Druid 519 10.7%
Evoker 316 6.5%
Hunter 344 7.1%
Mage 211 4.4%
Monk 247 5.1%
Paladin 746 15.4%
Priest 620 12.8%
Rogue 364 7.5%
Shaman 379 7.8%
Warlock 472 9.8%
Warrior 399 8.3%
Spec Class Count Percent
Affliction Warlock 269 5.6%
Arcane Mage 44 0.9%
Arms Warrior 37 0.8%
Assassination Rogue 216 4.5%
Augmentation Evoker 6 0.1%
Balance Druid 109 2.3%
Beast Mastery Hunter 286 5.9%
Blood Death Knight 2 0.0%
Brewmaster Monk 3 0.1%
Demonology Warlock 142 2.9%
Destruction Warlock 61 1.3%
Devastation Evoker 84 1.7%
Discipline Priest 374 7.7%
Elemental Shaman 226 4.7%
Enhancement Shaman 54 1.1%
Feral Druid 241 5.0%
Fire Mage 17 0.4%
Frost Death Knight 77 1.6%
Frost Mage 150 3.1%
Fury Warrior 351 7.3%
Guardian Druid 5 0.1%
Havoc Demon Hunter 55 1.1%
Holy Priest 24 0.5%
Holy Paladin 528 10.9%
Marksmanship Hunter 27 0.6%
Mistweaver Monk 159 3.3%
Outlaw Rogue 91 1.9%
Preservation Evoker 226 4.7%
Protection Paladin 8 0.2%
Protection Warrior 11 0.2%
Restoration Druid 164 3.4%
Restoration Shaman 99 2.1%
Retribution Paladin 210 4.3%
Shadow Priest 222 4.6%
Subtlety Rogue 57 1.2%
Survival Hunter 31 0.6%
Unholy Death Knight 77 1.6%
Vengeance Demon Hunter 1 0.0%
Windwalker Monk 85 1.8%
Race Count Percent
Blood Elf Female Blood Elf Male 102 2.1%
Dark Iron Dwarf Female Dark Iron Dwarf Male 361 7.5%
Dracthyr Female Dracthyr Male 347 7.2%
Draenei Female Draenei Male 100 2.1%
Dwarf Female Dwarf Male 211 4.4%
Earthen Female Earthen Male 18 0.4%
Gnome Female Gnome Male 350 7.2%
Goblin Female Goblin Male 14 0.3%
Highmountain Tauren Female Highmountain Tauren Male 13 0.3%
Human Female Human Male 493 10.2%
Kul Tiran Female Kul Tiran Male 21 0.4%
Lightforged Draenei Female Lightforged Draenei Male 6 0.1%
Mag'har Orc Female Mag'har Orc Male 41 0.8%
Mechagnome Female Mechagnome Male 9 0.2%
Nightborne Female Nightborne Male 1 0.0%
Night Elf Female Night Elf Male 1531 31.7%
Orc Female Orc Male 567 11.7%
Pandaren Female Pandaren Male 60 1.2%
Tauren Female Tauren Male 99 2.1%
Troll Female Troll Male 23 0.5%
Undead Female Undead Male 244 5.1%
Void Elf Female Void Elf Male 182 3.8%
Vulpera Female Vulpera Male 9 0.2%
Worgen Female Worgen Male 10 0.2%
Zandalari Troll Female Zandalari Troll Male 17 0.4%
Faction Count Percent
Alliance 3538 73.3%
Horde 1291 26.7%
Realm Region Count Percent
Tichondrius US 1461 33.7%
Illidan US 414 9.5%
Sargeras US 387 8.9%
Stormrage US 318 7.3%
Area 52 US 277 6.4%
Mal'Ganis US 154 3.5%
Bleeding Hollow US 141 3.2%
Zul'jin US 124 2.9%
Kel'Thuzad US 114 2.6%
Moon Guard US 93 2.1%
Ragnaros US 82 1.9%
Frostmourne US 81 1.9%
Proudmoore US 60 1.4%
Azralon US 50 1.2%
Dalaran US 46 1.1%
Emerald Dream US 43 1.0%
Thrall US 40 0.9%
Demon Soul US 25 0.6%
Darkspear US 24 0.6%
Barthilas US 23 0.5%
Nemesis US 22 0.5%
Blackrock US 21 0.5%
Korgath US 21 0.5%
Kil'jaeden US 20 0.5%
Quel'Thalas US 20 0.5%
Stormreaver US 18 0.4%
Icecrown US 18 0.4%
Akama US 17 0.4%
Drenden US 15 0.3%
Mannoroth US 14 0.3%
Alexstrasza US 13 0.3%
Laughing Skull US 13 0.3%
Undermine US 12 0.3%
Burning Legion US 12 0.3%
Arthas US 12 0.3%
Blade's Edge US 11 0.3%
Drakkari US 11 0.3%
Ghostlands US 10 0.2%
Dragonmaw US 10 0.2%
Wyrmrest Accord US 10 0.2%
Arathor US 9 0.2%
Drak'thul US 9 0.2%
Zuluhed US 9 0.2%
Mug'thol US 9 0.2%
Cenarius US 8 0.2%
Shattered Halls US 8 0.2%
Hakkar US 8 0.2%
Bloodscalp US 8 0.2%
Saurfang US 8 0.2%
Ner'zhul US 7 0.2%

Showing only top 50 realms - view all

Guild Realm Faction Count Percent
Blood borne Tichondrius Alliance 62 6.3%
Spes est Tichondrius Alliance 44 4.4%
Pearl of the Orient Tichondrius Alliance 42 4.2%
Hostile Takeovers Tichondrius Alliance 27 2.7%
FLEX Tichondrius Alliance 23 2.3%
pogger town Tichondrius Alliance 22 2.2%
La French Connection Zul'jin Alliance 21 2.1%
Gallywix Dive Team Bleeding Hollow Horde 21 2.1%
AOH Tichondrius Alliance 21 2.1%
Mythic PvP Moon Guard Alliance 20 2.0%
dont kill me ill cry Tichondrius Alliance 19 1.9%
HANA Tichondrius Alliance 19 1.9%
Rating Tichondrius Alliance 19 1.9%
LookThreeSmall Tichondrius Alliance 16 1.6%
Gallywix Dive Team Bleeding Hollow Alliance 16 1.6%
Shuffle Club Tichondrius Alliance 14 1.4%
dgb Sargeras Alliance 14 1.4%
FLEX Tichondrius Horde 13 1.3%
it was my idea Area 52 Alliance 12 1.2%
Spes est Tichondrius Horde 12 1.2%
Pearl of the Orient Tichondrius Horde 11 1.1%
DRACO CLEAVE Tichondrius Alliance 11 1.1%
pros only Stormrage Alliance 10 1.0%
AOH Tichondrius Horde 10 1.0%
THE MOVE Tichondrius Alliance 10 1.0%
The Arena Company Tichondrius Alliance 10 1.0%
See Again Solitary Tichondrius Horde 10 1.0%
Kissing Boys Tichondrius Alliance 10 1.0%
Blood borne Tichondrius Horde 10 1.0%
Straight Zuggin Illidan Alliance 10 1.0%
hey im mvp Tichondrius Horde 9 0.9%
PvP trainer Ragnaros Alliance 9 0.9%
dgb Stormrage Alliance 9 0.9%
Ministerio PvP Ragnaros Alliance 9 0.9%
silver town Tichondrius Alliance 9 0.9%
Soloist Tichondrius Alliance 9 0.9%
hi Kel'Thuzad Alliance 8 0.8%
CPnG Tichondrius Alliance 8 0.8%
China Gladiatus Tichondrius Alliance 8 0.8%
Straight Zuggin Illidan Horde 8 0.8%
The Abandoned Ones Tichondrius Alliance 8 0.8%
Still On Sargeras Sargeras Horde 8 0.8%
AFK in Goldshire Sargeras Alliance 8 0.8%
K Alliance Tichondrius Alliance 8 0.8%
DRACO CLEAVE Tichondrius Horde 8 0.8%
put u on early Zul'jin Alliance 7 0.7%
hey im angry Tichondrius Alliance 7 0.7%
Pokemon PVP Illidan Alliance 7 0.7%
pros only Illidan Alliance 7 0.7%
dgb Area 52 Alliance 7 0.7%
Consequence Stormrage Alliance 7 0.7%
SoloShuffle Waiting Room Stormrage Alliance 7 0.7%
rbg Tichondrius Alliance 7 0.7%
PvP trainer Ragnaros Horde 7 0.7%
I AM KOREAN Tichondrius Alliance 7 0.7%
Hostile Takeovers Tichondrius Horde 6 0.6%
pogger town Tichondrius Horde 6 0.6%
pros only Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
House of Terry Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
dgb Stormreaver Alliance 6 0.6%
Pokemon PVP Illidan Horde 6 0.6%
YEËEËEËEËEËEËEËEËEËEËHAW Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
gomem Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
THExMOVE Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
Cute Stormrage Alliance 6 0.6%
SoloShuffle Waiting Room Azralon Alliance 6 0.6%
See Again Solitary Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
BloodBoùnd Sargeras Alliance 6 0.6%
rogue disliker Stormrage Alliance 6 0.6%
DSG Drenden Alliance 6 0.6%
IM SCARED OF WOMEN Sargeras Alliance 6 0.6%
Anti DK Coalition Sargeras Alliance 6 0.6%
slit Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
Nine Lives Tichondrius Alliance 6 0.6%
ddosed Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
Going in Dryer Zul'jin Alliance 5 0.5%
Deep Dark Fantasy Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
Addicted to the Shuff Mal'Ganis Alliance 5 0.5%
dgb Dalaran Alliance 5 0.5%
Undelwarel Area 52 Alliance 5 0.5%
yohoho Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
No Peel No Heal Azralon Alliance 5 0.5%
Suppy Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
sweatshop Emerald Dream Alliance 5 0.5%
Ministerio PvP Ragnaros Horde 5 0.5%
MingfarMy Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
carried by vices Illidan Horde 5 0.5%
Fates Loom Tichondrius Alliance 5 0.5%
AOH Sargeras Alliance 5 0.5%
DSG Arathor Alliance 5 0.5%
La French Connection Zul'jin Horde 5 0.5%
nice to meet me Sargeras Alliance 5 0.5%
relax gobbo Mal'Ganis Alliance 5 0.5%
House of Terry Kel'Thuzad Alliance 4 0.4%
Hostile Takeovers Sargeras Alliance 4 0.4%
aha rekt Sargeras Alliance 4 0.4%
pspspsps Sargeras Alliance 4 0.4%
PvP trainer Area 52 Alliance 4 0.4%
Grimoire Zul'jin Alliance 4 0.4%
AFK in Goldshire Stormrage Alliance 4 0.4%

Showing only top 100 guilds

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).