Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Elune EU BG Blitz

264 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
23 3068 Nastasya Elune Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 128 - 123 51.0%
53 2889 Razzagall Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Above Average 110 - 84 56.7%
57 2389 Loyoq Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Above Average 84 - 73 53.5%
93 2468 Anwë Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Témérité 55 - 48 53.4%
108 2666 Loyoq Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Above Average 111 - 104 51.6%
143 384 Monkawod Elune Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver WAR MØDE ON 2 - 2 50.0%
145 2394 Nastasya Elune Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 45 - 37 54.9%
153 2233 Kristensen Elune Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker 90 - 84 51.7%
153 2430 Përry Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 68 - 49 58.1%
184 957 Flÿÿnñ Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance New Pearl 5 - 10 33.3%
196 1865 Chillø Elune Alliance Earthen Male Hunter Beast Mastery WAR MØDE ON 53 - 59 47.3%
208 2410 Lonbadzag Elune Alliance Kul Tiran Male Druid Balance Leglesslegolegolas 69 - 63 52.3%
226 2411 Lecraquicrac Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Fury Ethereal 46 - 44 51.1%
235 2059 Rayphor Elune Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Leglesslegolegolas 51 - 47 52.0%
252 2296 Jirlo Elune Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction Little Big Panda 43 - 31 58.1%
257 192 Eliantyr Elune Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation TheBigHordeTheory 1 - 0 100.0%
280 2208 Täël Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Above Average 60 - 31 65.9%
281 2410 Padwazys Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Leglesslegolegolas 69 - 63 52.3%
307 2107 Alicia Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Claymore 52 - 53 49.5%
318 1740 Ballistix Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Maîtres du destin 45 - 51 46.9%
339 2059 Gyosza Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Leglesslegolegolas 51 - 47 52.0%
343 1913 Eexa Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker Falaipalinviter 51 - 51 50.0%
347 2117 Melfice Elune Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 37 - 32 53.6%
351 1828 Endry Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Pex Tøys 25 - 23 52.1%
362 192 Sealgair Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Vengeance Vindilis 1 - 5 16.7%
373 2218 Vioulette Elune Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost La Huitième Couleur 38 - 32 54.3%
398 1748 Adønar Elune Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Frost Falaipalinviter 21 - 22 48.8%
401 1657 Naeliana Elune Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement UNCHAINED SPIRITS 10 - 4 71.4%
407 2059 Ahiel Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Leglesslegolegolas 33 - 31 51.6%
428 192 Sleipnir Elune Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Protection Suricats 1 - 6 14.3%
447 2053 Néllÿ Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 54 - 52 50.9%
448 1494 Zimba Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Fire Hurlevent Quartier Nord 12 - 16 42.9%
461 2141 Raýz Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution THIS MILK IS SLOW 143 - 133 51.8%
466 1648 Hara Elune Horde Vulpera Male Priest Holy Kicked 14 - 6 70.0%
482 1904 Coza Elune Alliance Gnome Female Hunter Beast Mastery Backrooms 38 - 33 53.5%
484 1460 Néxua Elune Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 73 - 107 40.6%
489 1600 Kinøx Elune Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw WAR MØDE ON 15 - 3 83.3%
492 1811 Eliantyr Elune Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation TheBigHordeTheory 21 - 16 56.8%
494 2083 Râpidø Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 38 - 29 56.7%
503 2106 Antãres Elune Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury Les Goules 37 - 39 48.7%
526 1850 Loyopal Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Above Average 40 - 48 45.5%
559 1857 Chillø Elune Alliance Earthen Male Hunter Beast Mastery WAR MØDE ON 46 - 32 59.0%
563 1692 Blyys Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration MEDEF 20 - 24 45.5%
574 1611 Yuhé Elune Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy Volturi 25 - 28 47.2%
577 1782 Garsak Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Monk Windwalker Molten Salt Reactor 41 - 35 53.9%
589 1317 Sorensen Elune Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Fire 8 - 10 44.4%
589 1641 Carpophores Elune Alliance Draenei Male Death Knight Frost Ethereal 14 - 12 53.8%
603 1680 Spicky Elune Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Falaipalinviter 43 - 55 43.9%
647 2095 Nëyu Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 38 - 32 54.3%
648 1816 Bigbreath Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Above Average 26 - 18 59.1%
651 1582 Mcspacejam Elune Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival I KNOW MICHEAL BROWN 14 - 17 45.2%
657 192 Harponneur Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Blood La communauté de Sephuz 1 - 3 25.0%
657 1806 Ekä Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Not Same Game 21 - 17 55.3%
660 1582 Tamaloù Elune Alliance Human Male Priest Holy KazuméKosto 11 - 6 64.7%
699 1139 Maedea Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Âmes Nomades 6 - 10 37.5%
711 2050 Odevy Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Leglesslegolegolas 32 - 31 50.8%
718 1917 Chillø Elune Alliance Earthen Male Hunter Beast Mastery WAR MØDE ON 66 - 52 55.9%
735 1647 Milord Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Cercle De L Anneau Rond 31 - 37 45.6%
797 192 Yhlannah Elune Alliance Worgen Female Druid Guardian Eburi no Alahni 1 - 0 100.0%
808 1859 Kenchio Elune Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination Hodéna 70 - 77 47.6%
876 766 Johnnyboyy Elune Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Arcane Nocturnys 4 - 3 57.1%
885 1622 Deceiver Elune Alliance Kul Tiran Male Druid Restoration GLØBÁL 14 - 10 58.3%
909 1611 Ethima Elune Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology TOURNE TORTUE GENIAL 20 - 28 41.7%
925 1873 Diok Elune Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury La triple Ombrebière 31 - 26 54.4%
930 1954 Noots Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 34 - 36 48.6%
968 1735 Ysna Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Bourrins Sans Frontière 17 - 14 54.8%
978 1731 Sarko Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Pex Tøys 48 - 52 48.0%
978 1880 Ðâny Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution LFG Gaming 31 - 17 64.6%
989 1856 Råhem Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury AMOUR KLAN 24 - 25 49.0%
1064 1400 Altision Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Priest Shadow 13 - 30 30.2%
1069 749 Dawnever Elune Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Arcane Primordial Breath 4 - 9 30.8%
1076 1389 Æole Elune Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline La Huitième Couleur 11 - 8 57.9%
1085 1689 Pollarbearz Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution FUNK YOU 21 - 19 52.5%
1093 1848 Aldhuin Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Témérité 28 - 18 60.9%
1113 384 Askills Elune Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Consilium 2 - 1 66.7%
1113 384 Kusojiji Elune Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology Little Big Panda 2 - 2 50.0%
1125 1828 Gourdin Elune Alliance Worgen Male Warrior Fury Empire mais en mieux 67 - 76 46.9%
1129 1589 Olaphy Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration DÉFONCÉ COMME UN CHAMAN 20 - 23 46.5%
1135 1702 Nÿda Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral LFG Gaming 16 - 8 66.7%
1142 1837 Gidja Elune Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Sons Of Valkyr 80 - 102 44.0%
1142 1837 Séralisa Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Greedy Bisounours 73 - 79 48.0%
1145 1300 Sunkiss Elune Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Survival 7 - 8 46.7%
1167 1609 Noruto Elune Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 39 - 42 48.1%
1167 1287 Poteamemphys Elune Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival LeCarré du Nord 7 - 0 100.0%
1206 1816 Pangowar Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Fury 50 - 41 54.9%
1206 1816 Althéìà Elune Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Destroyeur 23 - 20 53.5%
1218 1619 Véerah Elune Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 17 - 6 73.9%
1229 576 Stalkfun Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Bourrins Sans Frontière 3 - 1 75.0%
1264 1692 Glosori Elune Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Death Knight Unholy MEDEF 20 - 24 45.5%
1265 1816 Yager Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Erèbe 29 - 31 48.3%
1277 1641 Fârge Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Priest Shadow Pex Tøys 11 - 5 68.8%
1278 1658 Asgaya Elune Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Ersatz 14 - 12 53.8%
1293 1148 Moraine Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Ethereal 6 - 1 85.7%
1295 384 Grandpower Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane Good Vibes 2 - 9 18.2%
1329 1652 Naaë Elune Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 12 - 8 60.0%
1332 1652 Ravénna Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Volturi 18 - 10 64.3%
1361 1811 Aniiviia Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 48 - 45 51.6%
1364 1601 Alviry Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Casual Insanity 29 - 23 55.8%
1373 1672 Spom Elune Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Le Boulot 15 - 8 65.2%
1380 1518 Blackkaya Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Karabraxos 8 - 4 66.7%
1385 1554 Süpra Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 17 - 9 65.4%
1391 1607 Borjah Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Vindilis 11 - 11 50.0%
1392 192 Aniiviia Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane 1 - 0 100.0%
1392 192 Sinu Elune Horde Dracthyr Female Mage Frost PFL Europe 1 - 2 33.3%
1392 192 Seìgneurpère Elune Horde Nightborne Male Mage Fire WoW PvP 1 - 2 33.3%
1417 1592 Alep Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Onlyfriends 59 - 92 39.1%
1425 192 Azubel Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 1 - 0 100.0%
1485 947 Hðsh Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 5 - 7 41.7%
1554 766 Bøëndil Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Poulet Fringant 4 - 10 28.6%
1555 1580 Morkash Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms 11 - 10 52.4%
1562 1206 Larrydk Elune Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 7 - 14 33.3%
1574 1773 Monkawod Elune Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver WAR MØDE ON 20 - 5 80.0%
1596 1613 Lumînus Elune Alliance Earthen Male Hunter Marksmanship 37 - 45 45.1%
1599 1790 Nastalia Elune Horde Earthen Female Paladin Retribution 48 - 55 46.6%
1624 1618 Yggdrasheal Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 18 - 19 48.6%
1660 1607 Batraal Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Onlyfriends 14 - 17 45.2%
1671 192 Freegaza Elune Horde Nightborne Female Mage Arcane UNCHAINED SPIRITS 1 - 1 50.0%
1671 192 Umaguma Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Lupus Dei 1 - 5 16.7%
1671 192 Lima Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost 1 - 3 25.0%
1727 576 Edourda Elune Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Priest Holy Epic Fake 3 - 1 75.0%
1727 576 Gälä Elune Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Øsiris 3 - 3 50.0%
1727 576 Zybeline Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Vindilis 3 - 5 37.5%
1744 1109 Ðaphnis Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Frost Volturi 8 - 15 34.8%
1746 1622 Twizistør Elune Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 15 - 18 45.5%
1802 1738 Distiny Elune Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution 19 - 21 47.5%
1843 1647 Disas Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 12 - 14 46.2%
1851 1742 Stouf Elune Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Hodéna 16 - 14 53.3%
1872 1320 Mewere Elune Alliance Earthen Male Shaman Restoration Legend of the dragon 11 - 19 36.7%
1889 575 Eylite Elune Alliance Draenei Female Priest Shadow Les Derniers Templiers 3 - 5 37.5%
1926 1571 Dragømira Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Arkenstøne 12 - 15 44.4%
1959 1694 Seiji Elune Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 18 - 20 47.4%
1970 1725 Freesià Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 57 - 55 50.9%
1972 1600 Reddington Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw culte pvp is no dead 9 - 17 34.6%
1980 384 Kettrícken Elune Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Øsiris 2 - 2 50.0%
1983 1705 Amendaïr Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Empire mais en mieux 33 - 28 54.1%
1994 1704 Dragonaute Elune Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Retribution Freedom Spirit 28 - 28 50.0%
1999 1727 Dowlu Elune Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 24 - 23 51.1%
2007 1726 Ksora Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 42 - 56 42.9%
2015 1452 Dydoox Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 9 - 11 45.0%
2024 1409 Nicô Elune Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 8 - 8 50.0%
2036 1555 Bíll Elune Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 19 - 23 45.2%
2203 1412 Shaskha Elune Alliance Worgen Male Druid Guardian Irae Draconis 10 - 27 27.0%
2206 1565 Yoruichì Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 13 - 9 59.1%
2226 1433 Altine Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 23 - 46 33.3%
2235 1545 Wursty Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Leglesslegolegolas 9 - 3 75.0%
2290 1455 Aldar Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms 15 - 15 50.0%
2292 1538 Diow Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral La triple Ombrebière 10 - 10 50.0%
2339 1550 Totolebon Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Triad 17 - 20 45.9%
2389 192 Æraa Elune Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival Ersatz 1 - 4 20.0%
2389 192 Nezukochan Elune Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Les pirates raides 1 - 0 100.0%
2415 192 Lechatbotté Elune Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Little Big Panda 1 - 1 50.0%
2415 192 Daylï Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 1 - 1 50.0%
2450 1630 Lumînus Elune Alliance Earthen Male Hunter Marksmanship 14 - 13 51.9%
2485 1334 Cosiris Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 20 - 47 29.9%
2501 1649 Ekä Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Not Same Game 38 - 48 44.2%
2528 1373 Grarrosh Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms Poulet Fringant 12 - 11 52.2%
2528 1314 Argoni Elune Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 19 - 46 29.2%
2577 1134 Maîtrepo Elune Horde Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker 7 - 13 35.0%
2585 1499 Maozedong Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 17 - 12 58.6%
2588 1620 Bazrzokh Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Golfe Fruits 51 - 64 44.3%
2592 768 Ædæiælæiækæk Elune Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 4 - 0 100.0%
2633 1527 Meneth Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 9 - 10 47.4%
2641 1476 Lumínus Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 46 - 75 38.0%
2678 1635 Logosh Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury MoonOfShadow 19 - 16 54.3%
2711 1279 Jehren Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 10 - 16 38.5%
2725 1140 Marchion Elune Horde Vulpera Male Shaman Elemental 6 - 12 33.3%
2733 1382 Wraith Elune Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow Falaipalinviter 8 - 10 44.4%
2798 1645 Shookii Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Bourrins Sans Frontière 18 - 14 56.3%
2816 1423 Aominë Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Hëaven 11 - 9 55.0%
2820 1130 Cobarz Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration Le Marais Salant 7 - 7 50.0%
2860 1505 Bohrres Elune Alliance Human Male Paladin Protection The Shadow Warriors 14 - 14 50.0%
2884 1502 Distiny Elune Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Retribution 83 - 96 46.4%
2887 575 Milim Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation La Taverne des Dragons 3 - 7 30.0%
2896 765 Bøëndil Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Poulet Fringant 4 - 6 40.0%
2927 1614 Grimdyl Elune Horde Earthen Male Paladin Retribution 17 - 19 47.2%
2995 1408 Agility Elune Alliance Gnome Male Rogue Assassination La Huitième Couleur 8 - 5 61.5%
3023 1340 Volkhân Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 13 - 31 29.5%
3077 384 Kirigoûter Elune Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Little Big Panda 2 - 6 25.0%
3095 955 Skayez Elune Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Cette année la co 5 - 2 71.4%
3129 1311 Flatsixx Elune Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 13 - 32 28.9%
3143 1327 Nøbusan Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Semi Croustillants 7 - 5 58.3%
3160 1601 Daydenkaï Elune Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Valholl 14 - 19 42.4%
3182 1524 Aminor Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 20 - 29 40.8%
3191 1298 Tellula Elune Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance TheBigHordeTheory 7 - 6 53.8%
3198 1117 Ælts Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration L Auberge Espagnole 6 - 7 46.2%
3207 766 Tropdbúzz Elune Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Genesys 4 - 2 66.7%
3291 575 Francouille Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Septentrion 3 - 0 100.0%
3360 192 Urkak Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Death Knight Frost Pulsar 1 - 2 33.3%
3366 1572 Ballistix Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Maîtres du destin 10 - 6 62.5%
3381 384 Kryn Elune Alliance Draenei Female Warlock Demonology 2 - 4 33.3%
3400 955 Aÿä Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration culte pvp is no dead 5 - 4 55.6%
3421 766 Wañda Elune Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 4 - 7 36.4%
3447 1413 Erreis Elune Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy 11 - 14 44.0%
3460 954 Symaethis Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Guardian Fake News 5 - 2 71.4%
3460 954 Souchon Elune Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration Into The Wild 5 - 7 41.7%
3461 1587 Thyraei Elune Alliance Void Elf Male Warrior Fury Volturi 74 - 93 44.3%
3521 1487 Azubel Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 49 - 75 39.5%
3540 384 Skaah Elune Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental 2 - 0 100.0%
3541 1139 Fraggle Elune Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Semi CroustiIlants 6 - 9 40.0%
3542 993 Shadowlol Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow TheBigHordeTheory 6 - 11 35.3%
3551 1597 Snyz Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Milk Factory 30 - 33 47.6%
3576 1318 Vaarian Elune Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination 7 - 7 50.0%
3582 1143 Desiignerz Elune Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Singularité 6 - 3 66.7%
3596 1379 Pixx Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution BiZon Team 10 - 11 47.6%
3637 192 Térapicuisto Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Art de la Guerre 1 - 1 50.0%
3647 1575 Beren Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 89 - 123 42.0%
3648 1526 Meïî Elune Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Pas Ce Soir Chéri Je PvP 20 - 26 43.5%
3662 576 Gaijinn Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Forgotten Legacy 3 - 1 75.0%
3662 576 Kustrasza Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Golems de Combat 3 - 2 60.0%
3687 1112 Roverland Elune Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 6 - 11 35.3%
3697 576 Ælhøy Elune Alliance Kul Tiran Female Shaman Restoration 3 - 2 60.0%
3697 576 Leïnnah Elune Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement Øsiris 3 - 2 60.0%
3705 1571 Leowald Elune Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury 27 - 33 45.0%
3723 767 Drouda Elune Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 4 - 7 36.4%
3732 1518 Eliannah Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 8 - 4 66.7%
3780 575 Yonash Elune Alliance Worgen Male Monk Windwalker 3 - 4 42.9%
3781 766 Drakz Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Little Big Panda 4 - 5 44.4%
3823 1134 Mirynn Elune Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Que la famille 9 - 6 60.0%
3884 1502 Khakk Elune Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Brewmaster Les Derniers Templiers 12 - 16 42.9%
3915 1429 Æmné Elune Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Affliction 8 - 5 61.5%
3917 1571 Aeternà Elune Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Les Derniers Templiers 26 - 22 54.2%
4006 1411 Maugan Elune Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 23 - 47 32.9%
4059 927 Méliå Elune Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance Øsiris 5 - 15 25.0%
4089 192 Grhuldan Elune Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 1 - 0 100.0%
4089 192 Nélzus Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction Hëaven 1 - 0 100.0%
4089 192 Itryan Elune Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Golden Choucroute 1 - 6 14.3%
4089 192 Ántizz Elune Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 1 - 1 50.0%
4101 1131 Sola Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Rogue Assassination Øsiris 6 - 10 37.5%
4133 955 Âltashamane Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Les Zétoiles 5 - 2 71.4%
4164 936 Kirane Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 5 - 10 33.3%
4209 767 Itoxiic Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 4 - 3 57.1%
4209 767 Azàne Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Assassination SixFeetUnder 4 - 3 57.1%
4214 1097 Aelt Elune Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Chatons du Chaos 6 - 13 31.6%
4216 767 Blakboy Elune Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Valar Morghulis 4 - 0 100.0%
4276 767 Tidus Elune Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc les copains dabord 4 - 2 66.7%
4331 384 Frankill Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Septentrion 2 - 3 40.0%
4331 384 Fayalolz Elune Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Café glacé 2 - 2 50.0%
4331 384 Ahooq Elune Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Restoration banquise 2 - 5 28.6%
4331 384 Whiski Elune Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration Omerta 2 - 2 50.0%
4346 1518 Adrammalech Elune Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Õld School 48 - 56 46.2%
4381 576 Shookii Elune Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Bourrins Sans Frontière 3 - 0 100.0%
4417 1139 Sacredroli Elune Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Fines Herbes 6 - 3 66.7%
4488 1534 Johnnyboyy Elune Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Arcane Nocturnys 43 - 56 43.4%
4514 1545 Mephirtu Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Leglesslegolegolas 9 - 3 75.0%
4651 575 Kyödan Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Forgotten Legacy 3 - 5 37.5%
4655 1538 Cantiqus Elune Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 20 - 25 44.4%
4666 1336 Trixxïe Elune Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Poulet Fringant 24 - 39 38.1%
4678 1258 Arrête Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Le Marais Salant 7 - 6 53.8%
4696 576 Ananasucrée Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc EDO 3 - 1 75.0%
4712 932 Sahrot Elune Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Assassination 5 - 10 33.3%
4713 1488 Elumïnus Elune Alliance Earthen Male Paladin Retribution 19 - 29 39.6%
4732 384 Bwouaa Elune Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 2 - 1 66.7%
4744 955 Niamør Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Cette année la co 5 - 2 71.4%
4749 575 Cleopâtre Elune Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Echoes of Yggdrasil 3 - 12 20.0%
4765 1483 Adønaï Elune Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution Falaipalinviter 12 - 10 54.5%
4813 192 Galã Elune Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Worth It 1 - 0 100.0%
4813 192 Seiji Elune Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 1 - 0 100.0%
4848 575 Øzstriker Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance banquise 3 - 6 33.3%
4848 575 Vmàmba Elune Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 3 - 5 37.5%
4861 192 Ivredecendre Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation La Bande à Bàsile 1 - 8 11.1%
4861 192 Gàla Elune Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 1 - 1 50.0%
4897 1290 Meuhmonk Elune Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver Art de la Guerre 8 - 17 32.0%
4913 952 Dkathlon Elune Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood 5 - 10 33.3%
4948 766 Æva Elune Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination For Honor 4 - 5 44.4%

Last updated 07 Jan 2025 13:14:08 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).