Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Vek'lor EU BG Blitz

51 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
6 3372 Size Vek'lor Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker 351 - 314 52.8%
15 3187 Zaki Vek'lor Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 502 - 474 51.4%
89 2426 Googleme Vek'lor Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Eins Sechs Max Xp 54 - 34 61.4%
104 1577 Neban Vek'lor Horde Tauren Male Paladin Protection 10 - 7 58.8%
306 2202 Babytoro Vek'lor Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance Ein Kleid ist Pflicht 67 - 55 54.9%
361 1811 Terenz Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Gnominikanische Republik 27 - 22 55.1%
435 1662 Hjalmin Vek'lor Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 23 - 21 52.3%
452 1971 Bae Vek'lor Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 讀語漢颜隧羅䭏 24 - 12 66.7%
496 1883 Schnurli Vek'lor Horde Tauren Male Warrior Arms 38 - 36 51.4%
513 2286 Laladalime Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Mah Oida 44 - 33 57.1%
524 1783 Pympdaddy Vek'lor Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warlock Destruction Ein Kleid ist Pflicht 167 - 166 50.2%
558 2107 Clinxxz Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost MUM SAID IM SPECIAL 35 - 38 47.9%
594 576 Famrelk Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian possible 3 - 2 60.0%
602 1620 Aureole Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy Night raid 12 - 7 63.2%
618 1730 Bluêbêrry Vek'lor Horde Troll Female Shaman Elemental Ein Kleid ist Pflicht 20 - 15 57.1%
897 192 Belakul Vek'lor Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warrior Protection Die Namenlosen 1 - 11 8.3%
939 1827 Ganznahdran Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Burning Destiny 41 - 37 52.6%
1126 1650 Evominator Vek'lor Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Ein Kleid ist Pflicht 18 - 13 58.1%
1179 1578 Hêllshurâ Vek'lor Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 23 - 21 52.3%
1200 1606 Bolg Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 16 - 10 61.5%
1252 1858 Size Vek'lor Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker 21 - 7 75.0%
1387 1681 Blood Vek'lor Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy PVP ALL STARS 20 - 22 47.6%
1402 1619 Philcrank Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Gurkentrupp 11 - 10 52.4%
1455 1652 Critymàc Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship SoulRiver 34 - 46 42.5%
1476 192 Youseenbølt Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 1 - 0 100.0%
1714 1522 Llyr Vek'lor Horde Troll Male Druid Feral Disconnect 22 - 24 47.8%
1740 1676 Pympdaddy Vek'lor Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warlock Destruction Ein Kleid ist Pflicht 36 - 30 54.5%
1740 192 Arcanedream Vek'lor Alliance Dwarf Male Mage Arcane Straight outta Esch 1 - 0 100.0%
2322 1575 Whîtyqt Vek'lor Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy MUM SAID IM SPECIAL 21 - 15 58.3%
2374 1539 Akuhma Vek'lor Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery BrocumaMatata 12 - 5 70.6%
2375 1608 Sqx Vek'lor Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology MUM SAID IM SPECIAL 21 - 16 56.8%
2537 1527 Cáritymac Vek'lor Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Terror of Perdition 14 - 19 42.4%
2603 1656 Sage Vek'lor Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 66 - 62 51.6%
2629 1522 Vupi Vek'lor Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety SPACE UNICORN 9 - 7 56.3%
2809 1466 Angsthäschén Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Inner Fire 8 - 7 53.3%
2851 384 Terak Vek'lor Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost Straight outta Esch 2 - 1 66.7%
3080 1620 Yggir Vek'lor Horde Tauren Male Warrior Protection Limitbreak 12 - 7 63.2%
3091 576 Njîma Vek'lor Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction SPACE UNICORN 3 - 3 50.0%
3167 1598 Angsthäschén Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Inner Fire 16 - 9 64.0%
3168 1616 Sakaii Vek'lor Horde Mag'har Orc Female Warrior Fury SPACE UNICORN 28 - 31 47.5%
3197 1458 Leafey Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination possible 8 - 14 36.4%
3206 1536 Polmox Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction Rütlischwur 20 - 28 41.7%
3238 1468 Allari Vek'lor Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Spawn of Hatred 14 - 14 50.0%
3388 1520 Hellshurá Vek'lor Horde Nightborne Female Warlock Destruction Ninety nine Nights 45 - 60 42.9%
3532 192 Iglow Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 1 - 2 33.3%
3705 957 Dazzi Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow MUM SAID IM SPECIAL 5 - 0 100.0%
3840 1131 Logtog Vek'lor Horde Orc Male Rogue Outlaw Two Minutes Left 6 - 6 50.0%
4179 953 Kyliemirouge Vek'lor Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Assassination Terror of Perdition 5 - 6 45.5%
4496 1538 Zeptah Vek'lor Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Umbrae Mortis 37 - 53 41.1%
4568 767 Wuschelinski Vek'lor Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance 4 - 1 80.0%
4631 1309 Crash Vek'lor Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Alliance of Tarsonis 8 - 11 42.1%

Last updated 20 Jan 2025 13:08:03 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).