Spec Leaderboard Rank | Rating | Name | Realm | Faction | Race | Class | Spec | Guild |
37 | 2456 | Evi | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
74 | 2286 | Fujinx | Medivh | |||||
119 | 2125 | Kitenbolt | Medivh | Winterspring Ski Team | ||||
132 | 1439 | Haldrath | Medivh | Brotherhood of Traevant | ||||
201 | 2067 | Mvpj | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
208 | 2182 | Valifor | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
213 | 2040 | Diô | Medivh | Flux | ||||
223 | 1600 | Medivh | Atmosphere | |||||
223 | 754 | Oxygen | Medivh | The Cutting Edge | ||||
224 | 1801 | Trianda | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
224 | 2308 | Jungwoo | Medivh | GG | ||||
248 | 1812 | Brooklynz | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
251 | 1797 | Syvarris | Medivh | Kindred Blades | ||||
272 | 1649 | Tyrail | Medivh | Fatally Twisted | ||||
305 | 192 | Barenar | Medivh | |||||
309 | 2056 | Tendie | Medivh | Flux | ||||
342 | 192 | Sanazal | Medivh | Azeroths Heroes | ||||
342 | 192 | Razarke | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
408 | 1532 | Chlorine | Medivh | The Cutting Edge | ||||
434 | 1888 | Areck | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
480 | 192 | Varrold | Medivh | fflife alts | ||||
484 | 1623 | Zepplin | Medivh | The Kaldorei | ||||
517 | 1905 | Moto | Medivh | Elite Assassin Family | ||||
569 | 1732 | Monknificent | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
581 | 1837 | Retroz | Medivh | DAYGLOW | ||||
592 | 1819 | Razarke | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
617 | 1813 | Vemrynn | Medivh | A Decent Option | ||||
617 | 384 | Taldinarass | Medivh | The Honored Horsemen | ||||
617 | 384 | Duryn | Medivh | Hit it and Crit it | ||||
679 | 1765 | Yurilei | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
731 | 1661 | Monbonie | Medivh | |||||
769 | 384 | Jackiy | Medivh | Glory of Dalaran | ||||
790 | 1621 | Shibari | Medivh | The Phoenix Fellowship | ||||
811 | 384 | Reginna | Medivh | Reminiscent | ||||
949 | 1710 | Netherwing | Medivh | Nox Invictus | ||||
991 | 1814 | Purplelizard | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
991 | 192 | Bigdaddypump | Medivh | Lethal Legacy | ||||
1010 | 1803 | Morefear | Medivh | Wish I Could Get Glad | ||||
1024 | 1675 | Vynstin | Medivh | |||||
1056 | 1800 | Sickhunt | Medivh | Atmosphere | ||||
1066 | 1655 | Criptex | Medivh | |||||
1072 | 1687 | Astonedvampi | Medivh | No Rest For The Wicked | ||||
1129 | 1639 | Lanthanum | Medivh | The Kaldorei | ||||
1131 | 1667 | Whisperz | Medivh | Hit it and Quidditch | ||||
1156 | 1688 | Kuwabara | Medivh | GG | ||||
1171 | 1780 | Onlyslams | Medivh | AOTC | ||||
1240 | 1807 | Chachaa | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
1299 | 1108 | Mangalord | Medivh | |||||
1310 | 1734 | Wesleysnipes | Medivh | The Old Gods | ||||
1359 | 1616 | Ilovegoold | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
1373 | 1803 | Shako | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
1434 | 1368 | Haegan | Medivh | Candy Aces | ||||
1447 | 192 | Vapejaw | Medivh | Chaos Division | ||||
1447 | 192 | Grindelbald | Medivh | |||||
1447 | 192 | Finnese | Medivh | Casual World First | ||||
1496 | 1463 | Zukko | Medivh | Hit it and Crit it | ||||
1515 | 1547 | Milktank | Medivh | The Hitchhikers | ||||
1535 | 768 | Zathryn | Medivh | Powerpuffers | ||||
1538 | 1612 | Tamoka | Medivh | |||||
1630 | 766 | Sarivia | Medivh | |||||
1650 | 1603 | Még | Medivh | Dungeoneers | ||||
1754 | 576 | Betzalel | Medivh | Heathens | ||||
1834 | 1297 | Enuo | Medivh | Is Saved by Grace | ||||
1842 | 1665 | Gushee | Medivh | Kindred Blades | ||||
1952 | 1701 | Primminga | Medivh | |||||
2012 | 1668 | Blaziken | Medivh | Winterspring Ski Team | ||||
2028 | 1504 | Risarri | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
2061 | 1534 | Tairn | Medivh | Silent Watch | ||||
2098 | 1322 | Lildrake | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
2206 | 1529 | Malkuri | Medivh | Chaotic Neutral | ||||
2210 | 957 | Vesperr | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
2247 | 767 | Courbet | Medivh | |||||
2282 | 955 | Olnocurse | Medivh | |||||
2375 | 1476 | Kircyyluv | Medivh | GaslightGatekeepGirlboss | ||||
2386 | 1511 | Rhainera | Medivh | Hit it and Crit it | ||||
2527 | 1203 | Chiaki | Medivh | Zug City | ||||
2569 | 576 | Killteam | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
2592 | 1423 | Astonedvampe | Medivh | Elite Assassin Family | ||||
2596 | 1471 | Picratol | Medivh | Disturbia | ||||
2604 | 192 | Angelcutlass | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
2687 | 1449 | Sickhunt | Medivh | Atmosphere | ||||
2740 | 764 | Sungjinwoo | Medivh | |||||
2839 | 1407 | Iifa | Medivh | IXOYE | ||||
2853 | 1623 | Motoshadow | Medivh | Queen of Battle | ||||
2931 | 1379 | Angmaro | Medivh | Soulless | ||||
2977 | 1590 | Gachabunii | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
2999 | 956 | Móth | Medivh | GG | ||||
3000 | 953 | Shisuih | Medivh | Drunk n Disorderly | ||||
3079 | 1143 | Notoriousdps | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
3099 | 576 | Sanazal | Medivh | Azeroths Heroes | ||||
3173 | 1504 | Amatol | Medivh | |||||
3215 | 1413 | Remlia | Medivh | GaslightGatekeepGirlboss | ||||
3276 | 384 | Finthehuman | Medivh | |||||
3276 | 384 | Fallumin | Medivh | Nothing To Loose | ||||
3291 | 575 | Evi | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
3307 | 766 | Seigi | Medivh | IXOYE | ||||
3311 | 766 | Pikoto | Medivh | |||||
3311 | 766 | Lacan | Medivh | Is Saved by Grace | ||||
3350 | 767 | Jabzarn | Medivh | |||||
3355 | 575 | Cubes | Medivh | |||||
3404 | 1573 | Arthuun | Medivh | Sorely Mistaken | ||||
3462 | 1147 | Mangalord | Medivh | |||||
3467 | 766 | Angelcutlass | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
3521 | 1316 | Bowlkin | Medivh | |||||
3542 | 1449 | Killteam | Medivh | Titan Up | ||||
3550 | 384 | Psilocybin | Medivh | Order of Misfit Nerds | ||||
3564 | 1307 | Medivh | Atmosphere | |||||
3614 | 767 | Shoshana | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
3855 | 192 | Skynett | Medivh | Elite Muffin Crew | ||||
3855 | 192 | Aftercare | Medivh | |||||
3855 | 192 | Benedetto | Medivh | Silent Watch | ||||
3903 | 1460 | Chisato | Medivh | GaslightGatekeepGirlboss | ||||
3949 | 954 | Sokrog | Medivh | The Old Gods | ||||
3981 | 192 | Adoroth | Medivh | Hit it and Crit it | ||||
3981 | 192 | Natasja | Medivh | Shot Thru The Heart | ||||
4010 | 953 | Trianda | Medivh | Coalition of Lazy Peons | ||||
4017 | 750 | Volora | Medivh | Heathens | ||||
4029 | 1559 | Jando | Medivh | Gardiens du Lys | ||||
4117 | 1450 | Nicchi | Medivh | Haunted Souls | ||||
4199 | 192 | Dracofairy | Medivh | Jynxed | ||||
4293 | 956 | Splack | Medivh | |||||
4297 | 192 | Chokju | Medivh | Elite Assassin Family | ||||
4333 | 766 | Aethelstan | Medivh | |||||
4342 | 1282 | Unholy | Medivh | Walmart Security | ||||
4492 | 1480 | Joon | Medivh | Shattered Fates | ||||
4517 | 1484 | Beetlejuicez | Medivh | |||||
4555 | 575 | Medivh | Atmosphere | |||||
4572 | 384 | Proscuitto | Medivh | What Would Rambo Do | ||||
4601 | 575 | Stevil | Medivh | |||||
4618 | 384 | Oxygen | Medivh | The Cutting Edge | ||||
4629 | 576 | Sandara | Medivh | Shattered Fates | ||||
4690 | 1308 | Finthehuman | Medivh | |||||
4708 | 192 | Blackmist | Medivh | Pure Chaos | ||||
4763 | 1520 | Reignbowcat | Medivh | |||||
4782 | 1519 | Iinth | Medivh | The Kaldorei | ||||
4789 | 384 | Trásh | Medivh | Phases of Tom | ||||
4790 | 576 | Invisiboo | Medivh | |||||
4873 | 384 | Thehogman | Medivh | |||||
4873 | 384 | Ryatticus | Medivh | The Atticus Legacy |