Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Scilla US Rated Battlegrounds

15 players

Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
280 2310 Kharahealer Scilla Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Beach Justice 106 - 82 56.4%
483 2192 Ño Scilla Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Notoriøus 67 - 43 60.9%
1328 1964 Drenzyxoxo Scilla Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Knights of the Night 37 - 21 63.8%
1354 1959 Sheppy Scilla Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Beach Justice 29 - 24 54.7%
2033 1841 Krypt Scilla Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology First Regiment 31 - 24 56.4%
2324 1808 Fermatta Scilla Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental Beach Justice 66 - 68 49.3%
2338 1807 Dragonballz Scilla Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 28 - 23 54.9%
2472 1799 Winze Scilla Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Beach Justice 60 - 61 49.6%
2563 1789 Kryptic Scilla Horde Goblin Male Priest Shadow First Regiment 20 - 18 52.6%
2703 1771 Gypo Scilla Alliance Dwarf Male Death Knight Frost Beach Justice 55 - 48 53.4%
2746 1767 Mistbehavin Scilla Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Beach Justice 20 - 26 43.5%
3593 1697 Xclappz Scilla Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Knights of the Night 16 - 11 59.3%
3735 1686 Foocantseeme Scilla Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Beach Justice 12 - 15 44.4%
4277 1652 Aimelia Scilla Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Beach Justice 15 - 22 40.5%
4718 1627 Fmp Scilla Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Knights of the Night 14 - 9 60.9%

Last updated 21 Feb 2025 13:14:22 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).