Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Nemesis EU Solo Shuffle

1414 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
15 2787 Warmainhaha Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms OldStyle 90 - 58 60.8%
16 2888 Obahtwerk Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 109 - 53 67.3%
17 1823 Bobuzzo Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Brewmaster OldStyle 33 - 27 55.0%
19 2934 Realjomito Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost PvP Therapy 289 - 249 53.7%
28 2448 Djheemba Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 148 - 122 54.8%
32 2819 Raekonpense Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy OldStyle 109 - 62 63.7%
32 1509 Spiralout Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 39 - 57 40.6%
32 2881 Ventolinagg Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost OldStyle 180 - 132 57.7%
39 2621 Worstww Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 440 - 398 52.5%
43 2773 Keyca Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 89 - 52 63.1%
45 2578 Semmino Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 78 - 52 60.0%
48 2061 Zerobrain Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 68 - 53 56.2%
55 2538 Zuharakì Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury Zero Percentile 379 - 354 51.7%
55 2742 Fakejomito Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Draken Fang 189 - 144 56.8%
60 2613 Zerofear Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Opportunisti 108 - 74 59.3%
66 2604 Zeropressure Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Draken Fang 199 - 158 55.7%
69 2585 Rhazaryz Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation OldStyle 77 - 46 62.6%
84 2453 Nightshadøw Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost 109 - 70 60.9%
90 2242 Realjomito Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost PvP Therapy 49 - 41 54.4%
90 2637 Oboeh Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 77 - 40 65.8%
94 2504 Windwâlker Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Melk Trupp 812 - 751 52.0%
96 384 Brewake Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Brewmaster PvP Scalpel 4 - 8 33.3%
100 1794 Protgodx Nemesis Horde Pandaren Male Warrior Protection 29 - 19 60.4%
102 2283 Linaria Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Arcane DragonLance 607 - 591 50.7%
103 2480 Grandragone Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Unreal 337 - 275 55.1%
104 2605 Mattex Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 233 - 198 54.1%
106 2438 Gankplank Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker OldStyle 98 - 57 63.2%
113 1728 Forchettaqt Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury OldStyle 217 - 234 48.1%
116 2440 Kerìoff Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw OldStyle 64 - 38 62.7%
116 2493 Michælmyers Nemesis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow OldStyle 108 - 82 56.8%
116 2438 Monkasape Nemesis Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 315 - 284 52.6%
120 2201 Mangiafuoco Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Fire TheDepleters 120 - 109 52.4%
127 2483 Cstaudipafor Nemesis Horde Orc Male Priest Shadow Unreal 206 - 175 54.1%
127 2400 Seeciao Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 82 - 51 61.7%
138 2585 Brandiløve Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 329 - 306 51.8%
139 192 Itanku Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Monk Brewmaster From Zero 2 - 4 33.3%
142 2366 Trønchetto Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance PvP Therapy 129 - 102 55.8%
142 2269 Holyiper Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy PvP Therapy 93 - 75 55.4%
144 2528 Dissonance Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Discipline Acolyte 336 - 290 53.7%
145 2523 Neotidus Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Draken Fang 817 - 784 51.0%
146 2411 Likeicare Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 358 - 325 52.4%
146 2149 Sixmonths Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 43 - 19 69.4%
146 1630 Necrosking Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood OldStyle 48 - 37 56.5%
147 2438 Gennarello Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warlock Demonology 506 - 479 51.4%
147 2183 Patasurge Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Sleeping Sinners 209 - 207 50.2%
148 2348 Aurelioris Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Unreal 106 - 86 55.2%
149 2269 Stellarvore Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 845 - 834 50.3%
150 2445 Draryanna Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow Sleeping Sinners 122 - 99 55.2%
155 2433 Likeicare Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 124 - 86 59.0%
156 1688 Valey Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Shõgun 65 - 56 53.7%
159 2261 Tødø Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 103 - 85 54.8%
162 2549 Sàitàmà Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 442 - 396 52.7%
165 2554 Adanosh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 124 - 91 57.7%
169 1558 Smegmor Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms 34 - 53 39.1%
173 2227 Fàtos Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction OldStyle 222 - 215 50.8%
174 2114 Blinkinpark Nemesis Horde Undead Female Mage Fire Red Skulls 88 - 53 62.4%
174 2338 Wtbchallenge Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Mirror Universe 818 - 787 51.0%
181 192 Shèrèkhàn Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Guardian OldStyle 2 - 4 33.3%
188 2156 Mattez Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 148 - 140 51.4%
191 2221 Bufu Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Alliance Defender 244 - 227 51.8%
191 2409 Zerobrain Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 114 - 78 59.4%
191 2154 Mattex Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 76 - 57 57.1%
194 2289 Draosh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Pushers 70 - 49 58.8%
194 2091 Eurmaiala Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Legione LewoPh 81 - 77 51.3%
198 96 Yozhora Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker Vengeance 1 - 5 16.7%
200 2503 Picciocino Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 191 - 152 55.7%
205 2204 Thriveqt Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 120 - 95 55.8%
206 1468 Wallbreath Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Warrior Protection Emerald Dream 26 - 46 36.1%
206 2207 Axwjhhgp Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 462 - 455 50.4%
211 2407 Nezdum Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 154 - 127 54.8%
220 2410 Voidmonster Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Red Skulls 54 - 30 64.3%
222 2196 Malakbel Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Forza Arcana 651 - 640 50.4%
226 2055 Icoz Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Fire OldStyle 75 - 45 62.5%
230 2483 Zuharakì Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury Zero Percentile 587 - 559 51.2%
237 2276 Sdemys Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Fury 96 - 72 57.1%
240 2217 Brobblem Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Whipped Cream 230 - 193 54.4%
243 2179 Nuvolent Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 291 - 269 52.0%
243 2275 Càvalry Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection Zero Percentile 267 - 259 50.8%
246 2053 Bezelgeuse Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane PvP Therapy 159 - 154 50.8%
247 2186 Pretee Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Priest Holy PvP Therapy 48 - 36 57.1%
253 2236 Dräosh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 63 - 45 58.3%
254 2235 Mcchickén Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Druid Balance 776 - 754 50.7%
255 2157 Nezdum Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 95 - 81 54.0%
256 1299 Calandra Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Protection Eternal Whispers 28 - 46 37.8%
270 2167 Cirina Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy PvP Therapy 1326 - 1305 50.4%
271 2255 Saigõ Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Warrior Arms Shõgun 207 - 180 53.5%
278 1997 Prodige Nemesis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Fire 156 - 151 50.8%
279 1055 Zair Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Protection Overdrive 11 - 13 45.8%
285 2213 Nightclaws Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Unreal 250 - 221 53.1%
286 1990 Solarian Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Fire Killing Floor 116 - 111 51.1%
287 2118 Skolvar Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival OldStyle 143 - 138 50.9%
288 2247 Waralthaha Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warrior Arms OldStyle 73 - 73 50.0%
288 2208 Roguemys Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 93 - 71 56.7%
291 2098 Rikalino Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 134 - 121 52.5%
291 2136 Ogrhh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 126 - 109 53.6%
301 1111 Lunereth Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 20 - 55 26.7%
301 2003 Disillusionn Nemesis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost PvP Therapy 58 - 49 54.2%
303 2151 Vvalerottaßß Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 76 - 49 60.8%
314 1064 Ashborne Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warrior Protection Malimor Touch 12 - 30 28.6%
314 2200 Idonthoto Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance OldStyle 50 - 24 67.6%
316 2126 Gennarello Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warlock Demonology 182 - 160 53.2%
327 2425 Nightshock Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Unreal 228 - 180 55.9%
328 89 Bearzilla Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Restoration 3 - 9 25.0%
329 672 Gripbroblem Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 7 - 5 58.3%
329 42 Mostrongolo Nemesis Alliance Worgen Male Druid Guardian 2 - 8 20.0%
329 672 Spaccategole Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 7 - 17 29.2%
340 864 Ostarine Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 9 - 9 50.0%
341 2183 Lisbethqt Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance OldStyle 81 - 76 51.6%
343 2166 Raÿla Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 196 - 182 51.9%
357 2132 Mkultra Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 67 - 55 54.9%
357 2159 Mattex Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 153 - 134 53.3%
358 2399 Denastys Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy OldStyle 871 - 844 50.8%
360 2406 Bîancø Nemesis Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline Delirium Tremens 240 - 176 57.7%
367 2173 Teknet Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 108 - 92 54.0%
370 2053 Magicnanø Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 66 - 39 62.9%
371 2420 Huligan Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 304 - 279 52.1%
372 2167 Feralnxu Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 71 - 50 58.7%
373 2120 Nightbeams Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Unreal 52 - 32 61.9%
374 672 Thilta Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution TimeWalkers 7 - 11 38.9%
375 2403 Spezzato Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline OldStyle 374 - 359 51.0%
382 2432 Troublesome Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 103 - 73 58.5%
383 2325 Mattez Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 90 - 58 60.8%
385 2120 Killuaz Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Red Skulls 1278 - 1244 50.7%
389 2321 Djheemba Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 57 - 51 52.8%
390 2154 Greidar Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Unreal 66 - 57 53.7%
392 2143 Mohrnedel Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost 77 - 63 55.0%
394 2071 Slado Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival PvP Therapy 88 - 79 52.7%
394 2429 Rikalino Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 137 - 105 56.6%
395 2219 Denasty Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology grkHERØES 145 - 139 51.1%
400 2115 Kakaram Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement OldStyle 716 - 695 50.7%
400 1883 Lìke Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane OldStyle 36 - 39 48.0%
400 2399 Gennarello Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warlock Demonology 344 - 317 52.0%
406 2104 Stòrmbreakèr Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Enhancement OldStyle 346 - 327 51.4%
407 2209 Yôi Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Red Skulls 84 - 72 53.8%
410 480 Verzina Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Sinbreakers 5 - 7 41.7%
414 1909 Lìke Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane OldStyle 175 - 167 51.2%
416 2113 Dade Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy OldStyle 75 - 71 51.4%
420 2058 Drewx Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Survival Just Dont Die 112 - 97 53.6%
422 2140 Luxvernalis Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 90 - 84 51.7%
423 1901 Icoz Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Fire OldStyle 61 - 38 61.6%
424 2112 Balsamico Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 83 - 74 52.9%
425 2316 Eurmaiala Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Legione LewoPh 936 - 912 50.6%
434 2407 Bordi Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 317 - 303 51.1%
441 2123 Jenix Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost 33 - 22 60.0%
442 2301 Bezelgeuse Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane PvP Therapy 79 - 61 56.4%
446 2102 Rixxia Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement 83 - 66 55.7%
456 2122 Chillguy Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 77 - 54 58.8%
473 1860 Icyclaps Nemesis Horde Orc Male Mage Arcane no flame ofc 108 - 104 50.9%
476 2186 Alessàsavage Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral TheDepleters 97 - 87 52.7%
476 480 Atum Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 5 - 1 83.3%
476 480 Kurtas Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution TheDepleters 5 - 1 83.3%
477 2317 Ysø Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution 239 - 219 52.2%
478 2351 Hòpe Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 808 - 778 50.9%
482 480 Ioans Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Warrior Arms no flame ofc 5 - 13 27.8%
482 2329 Minchialessa Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 73 - 53 57.9%
489 2178 Agrado Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Druid Feral OldStyle 74 - 73 50.3%
490 2097 Nolghtz Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 72 - 52 58.1%
492 2258 Mattes Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 60 - 41 59.4%
495 2184 Alexithymia Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 48 - 27 64.0%
496 2393 Dantius Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Pirates of Scarlet Moon 191 - 169 53.1%
501 2159 Cìccìòttòsùs Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker Bloodlust 169 - 144 54.0%
502 2250 Mattek Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination OldStyle 56 - 34 62.2%
507 2179 Jihaaz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Shõgun 136 - 105 56.4%
509 2299 Lightham Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Zero Percentile 112 - 105 51.6%
510 2257 Heyryan Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost G R A F T A L 48 - 29 62.3%
511 2088 Zeropressure Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Draken Fang 119 - 103 53.6%
512 2178 Ithilìon Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 803 - 800 50.1%
512 2178 Daosh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 102 - 76 57.3%
514 2376 Sdemys Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Fury 130 - 95 57.8%
514 2295 Arkeon Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Glorious PK Team 83 - 62 57.2%
515 2083 Talisnar Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Nocturne Brotherhood 2720 - 2682 50.4%
521 2161 Xjxjxj Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 203 - 178 53.3%
533 2244 Patasurge Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Sleeping Sinners 134 - 117 53.4%
537 2169 Gìà Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 399 - 386 50.8%
539 288 Skithirix Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation PvPino 3 - 3 50.0%
539 288 Blavoker Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 3 - 3 50.0%
540 2140 Dogwater Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Warrior Arms GreedyGolds 59 - 41 59.0%
543 2145 Daosh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 58 - 49 54.2%
543 2095 Zerobrain Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 62 - 54 53.4%
548 1808 Løk Nemesis Horde Undead Female Mage Fire Vengeance 26 - 22 54.2%
551 2030 Enjoybruh Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Dynamics Evolution 35 - 32 52.2%
553 384 Dragonswords Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 4 - 8 33.3%
554 2281 Capezzoleiro Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 57 - 40 58.8%
558 2087 Kas Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 96 - 94 50.5%
560 2346 Nightclaptwo Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury Better Safe Then Sorry 218 - 196 52.7%
563 384 Samaraarm Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Shadowspear 5 - 5 50.0%
567 2231 Dwang Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 187 - 171 52.2%
570 2024 Odiplomatic Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 310 - 281 52.5%
576 2128 Vrynn Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Toxic Therapy 36 - 17 67.9%
582 2069 Rènéro Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Horde of Chaos 48 - 34 58.5%
589 2395 Creude Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 224 - 200 52.8%
606 2383 Drëw Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 1036 - 1016 50.5%
607 2261 Lanarhøades Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 52 - 31 62.7%
607 1778 Jawske Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 36 - 34 51.4%
608 2033 Dòlphy Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 115 - 97 54.2%
615 192 Balerione Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Shattered 2 - 4 33.3%
616 2053 Helstein Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 55 - 43 56.1%
622 2048 Hejax Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 93 - 92 50.3%
624 2105 Galavos Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Pushers 51 - 34 60.0%
625 2021 Stòrmbreakèr Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Enhancement OldStyle 188 - 175 51.8%
625 2371 Drêkas Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Zero Percentile 87 - 68 56.1%
633 2103 Kérberos Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Midnight 62 - 58 51.7%
635 2025 Zavrøk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration EnRaGe 144 - 132 52.2%
637 2103 Sodadogpin Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology 50 - 35 58.8%
642 2135 Monaks Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 1189 - 1171 50.4%
642 2117 Brutalone Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral OldStyle 109 - 106 50.7%
647 2305 Xiaolingbao Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury GreedyGolds 52 - 31 62.7%
652 2011 Maninfaccia Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Non solo Schiaffi 110 - 94 53.9%
657 288 Kryvex Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Protection 3 - 3 50.0%
660 2033 Sheckwes Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Wanted 205 - 193 51.5%
660 2243 Ysosick Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution 219 - 212 50.8%
660 2236 Pignainculo Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 78 - 52 60.0%
665 2112 Antalus Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral PvP Therapy 314 - 292 51.8%
670 1998 Årthäs Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood NOKU GI OSHKAVA 36 - 18 66.7%
688 2283 Saigõ Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Warrior Arms Shõgun 536 - 506 51.4%
690 2010 Craisaz Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 436 - 421 50.9%
694 2337 Innocienzo Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival 106 - 76 58.2%
694 2280 Warmainhaha Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Arms OldStyle 52 - 36 59.1%
698 2045 Drewan Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Red Skulls 123 - 103 54.4%
704 1734 Enkin Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost OldStyle 20 - 16 55.6%
708 2023 Rapp Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 58 - 46 55.8%
721 2176 Baboonette Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 114 - 96 54.3%
722 2300 Denastys Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy OldStyle 409 - 392 51.1%
727 2160 Çhïkåøntøwn Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 352 - 343 50.6%
733 192 Babbaji Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution 2 - 4 33.3%
733 2066 Ornstheyn Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation GladiuS 93 - 73 56.0%
736 1940 Jomito Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 21 - 13 61.8%
739 2262 Soldino Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 96 - 80 54.5%
739 2026 Qel Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 206 - 207 49.9%
743 2016 Demonlamer Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 97 - 88 52.4%
744 1938 Denasty Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology grkHERØES 76 - 70 52.1%
745 2260 Robycoleman Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 248 - 220 53.0%
748 2224 Rât Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Shaman Elemental GLØBÁL 193 - 181 51.6%
750 192 Sintex Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Protection Emerald Dream 2 - 4 33.3%
750 2098 Draosh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Pushers 72 - 48 60.0%
750 192 Caliduk Nemesis Horde Nightborne Male Warrior Fury Demonio Oscuro 2 - 4 33.3%
750 192 Buly Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Pirates of Scarlet Moon 2 - 4 33.3%
753 1929 Newreyz Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 175 - 155 53.0%
755 2014 Uranoth Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Vengeance 73 - 61 54.5%
755 2001 Beladith Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 207 - 186 52.7%
755 2014 Gìbbone Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Zero Percentile 377 - 359 51.2%
757 2113 Bãnnëðirl Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 209 - 208 50.1%
760 1996 Rehàr Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Restoration 83 - 60 58.0%
761 2220 Thorir Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 91 - 71 56.2%
768 2313 Newreyz Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery 99 - 63 61.1%
769 1969 Belgûr Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Moonlight Shadow 174 - 170 50.6%
784 2110 Luxnebulae Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 83 - 69 54.6%
791 2157 Astangia Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Shà Dong 508 - 486 51.1%
802 96 Venatrix Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost PvP Therapy 1 - 5 16.7%
803 2096 Smegmor Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Warrior Arms 47 - 43 52.2%
805 2101 Ketonik Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker EnRaGe 147 - 141 51.0%
805 2101 Rivalz Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 274 - 253 52.0%
805 2101 Zayback Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Monk Windwalker 64 - 48 57.1%
806 2303 Illumi Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 163 - 135 54.7%
808 2154 Yrsillär Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Hans Landa Crew 280 - 252 52.6%
813 2204 Nùrsegemy Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 39 - 27 59.1%
814 1666 Vermèntino Nemesis Horde Troll Male Mage Frost Evox 27 - 44 38.0%
815 2001 Nobodÿ Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 76 - 58 56.7%
817 2270 Lanarhøades Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 157 - 127 55.3%
822 2201 Freìya Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 95 - 73 56.5%
825 2075 Kàffae Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Cursed 269 - 247 52.1%
825 1912 Thok Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 108 - 92 54.0%
828 1954 Enhancement Nemesis Horde Earthen Male Shaman Enhancement Nocturnal 38 - 28 57.6%
831 2027 Iamtoki Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Elitè mvp 115 - 92 55.6%
841 2067 Rakeone Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral OldStyle 959 - 944 50.4%
842 2005 Màcumba Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology Unreal 41 - 28 59.4%
844 2234 Siderian Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury I Fuori Luogo 839 - 809 50.9%
853 2081 Azøgg Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms grkHERØES 53 - 37 58.9%
854 1654 Nøvæ Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost OldStyle 21 - 24 46.7%
855 2240 Höpè Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 76 - 52 59.4%
856 1967 Prøfesor Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy TheDepleters 125 - 114 52.3%
862 2172 Tereza Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 122 - 110 52.6%
862 1998 Volareohoh Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Warlock Destruction 140 - 135 50.9%
866 1649 Blinkinpark Nemesis Horde Undead Female Mage Fire Red Skulls 23 - 25 47.9%
866 2142 Kentales Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Gladiatori 475 - 457 51.0%
871 1939 Thriveqt Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 29 - 25 53.7%
876 1971 Akly Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 237 - 205 53.6%
885 1935 Tengoikuorn Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Enhancement 109 - 86 55.9%
886 1986 Jekim Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction Collected Company 45 - 36 55.6%
888 2013 Telariaz Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Dark Brotherhøod 75 - 73 50.7%
892 1986 Hatefulbunny Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Marinai di Acqua Dolce 63 - 51 55.3%
894 1984 Sintrax Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology CdS Reborn 76 - 77 49.7%
895 1890 Volareohoh Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Warlock Destruction 198 - 194 50.5%
899 2079 Katý Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker 69 - 65 51.5%
900 2137 Cryogenflame Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost OldStyle 571 - 546 51.1%
912 2005 Kyratom Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation OldStyle 63 - 63 50.0%
913 1956 Zelhes Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 42 - 36 53.8%
923 1923 Vargülf Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental OldStyle 119 - 97 55.1%
927 2131 Phenos Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow PvP Therapy 137 - 115 54.4%
934 31 Nahidwin Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Blood Emerald Dream 1 - 1 50.0%
934 2000 Enø Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation Nøx 69 - 58 54.3%
936 2131 Calippøtour Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 122 - 99 55.2%
939 1977 Plpzdh Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Pirates of Scarlet Moon 47 - 47 50.0%
940 2036 Kaldorei Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Rise of the Alliance 40 - 32 55.6%
942 2172 Pakaza Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Carried 128 - 102 55.7%
946 1948 Macheh Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Draken Fang 175 - 171 50.6%
950 1608 Mangiafuoco Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Fire TheDepleters 112 - 107 51.1%
952 2168 Thriveqt Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 47 - 37 56.0%
959 2144 Jomito Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 55 - 34 61.8%
967 1856 Säsori Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 400 - 400 50.0%
983 1885 Venux Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Jujutsu high 41 - 41 50.0%
984 1852 Dantioos Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Pirates of Scarlet Moon 88 - 86 50.6%
992 1946 Steoltre Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance Collected Company 119 - 119 50.0%
1001 1933 Anstra Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Shaman Restoration 108 - 107 50.2%
1003 1978 Vonderleyen Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 245 - 247 49.8%
1005 1908 Tsif Nemesis Horde Undead Female Death Knight Frost Moonlight Shadow 48 - 42 53.3%
1006 1912 Zoddul Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy TheDepleters 151 - 155 49.3%
1007 2064 Ietmefc Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 61 - 37 62.2%
1009 2023 Ramaloge Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Marinai di Acqua Dolce 227 - 215 51.4%
1011 2118 Noir Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Horde of Chaos 48 - 48 50.0%
1012 1907 Devilmetal Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 62 - 61 50.4%
1012 2159 Nmz Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 74 - 71 51.0%
1013 2134 Zwuzang Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Just Dont Die 277 - 262 51.4%
1014 1959 Spyk Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 41 - 19 68.3%
1017 2200 Nightclap Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury Unreal 43 - 41 51.2%
1018 2117 Baalzevùv Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow 106 - 95 52.7%
1028 2103 Killmeplzz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 71 - 70 50.4%
1031 1847 Niceandeasy Nemesis Horde Vulpera Female Hunter Survival 129 - 119 52.0%
1034 1873 Tàùrièl Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 33 - 33 50.0%
1042 2040 Dynther Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury OldStyle 57 - 39 59.4%
1044 2046 Yozhora Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker Vengeance 109 - 95 53.4%
1049 1509 Magiconaska Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost Draken Fang 23 - 33 41.1%
1051 1919 Dragogina Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 106 - 117 47.5%
1052 2044 Monkartick Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Collected Company 70 - 62 53.0%
1054 1910 Sèlkis Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 159 - 142 52.8%
1061 1500 Linaria Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Arcane DragonLance 17 - 9 65.4%
1066 1905 Luxbender Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 26 - 28 48.1%
1071 1922 Rixlock Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction 32 - 25 56.1%
1076 1914 Mxiy Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 165 - 141 53.9%
1083 1533 Realjomito Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost PvP Therapy 16 - 8 66.7%
1094 2030 Klynd Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Pasta alla Norma 94 - 76 55.3%
1096 1838 Küroneko Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 88 - 88 50.0%
1096 1895 Gripbroblem Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 37 - 28 56.9%
1099 1913 Korgam Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Restoration Too Far Away 241 - 250 49.1%
1100 2181 Raitoyagàmi Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 244 - 228 51.7%
1105 1894 Pøk Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Mirror Universe 24 - 30 44.4%
1108 2180 Swolenerd Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 149 - 131 53.2%
1112 2201 Angemir Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Discipline 494 - 487 50.4%
1113 1869 Porca Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 158 - 166 48.8%
1115 2117 Shottosamuxd Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 74 - 57 56.5%
1117 2032 Hÿzer Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker PvP Therapy 87 - 67 56.5%
1118 2083 Mìza Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Pirates of Scarlet Moon 56 - 58 49.1%
1120 2127 Ysosìck Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 52 - 44 54.2%
1125 1887 Rahal Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy 90 - 103 46.6%
1128 1888 Jackout Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy OldStyle 97 - 95 50.5%
1135 2104 Icoz Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Fire OldStyle 38 - 28 57.6%
1136 2198 Nightheals Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 390 - 355 52.3%
1136 2113 Demonqt Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 47 - 27 63.5%
1141 1926 Shardox Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration oZn 210 - 196 51.7%
1142 1882 Pallinõ Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow RedDevils 143 - 132 52.0%
1144 1905 Skybreaker Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 348 - 345 50.2%
1144 1896 Lahar Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 49 - 39 55.7%
1147 1825 Spidde Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Past Midnight 32 - 33 49.2%
1149 2033 Caga Nemesis Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver CHITÓN 160 - 121 56.9%
1154 2111 Worldgorger Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 469 - 442 51.5%
1156 2139 Boo Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Elite Knights 44 - 31 58.7%
1156 1854 Seh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 62 - 70 47.0%
1156 2139 Adur Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 596 - 572 51.0%
1160 1942 Pessinagødø Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation OldStyle 25 - 9 73.5%
1162 1890 Pizzásh Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction OldStyle 59 - 60 49.6%
1168 2213 Jerryll Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 272 - 258 51.3%
1179 2100 Disillusionn Nemesis Horde Orc Female Mage Frost PvP Therapy 152 - 133 53.3%
1180 2211 Misstrap Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Marksmanship PvP Therapy 154 - 131 54.0%
1185 1878 Helstein Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 143 - 149 49.0%
1191 1879 Spatox Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 102 - 113 47.4%
1200 1819 Pastèque Nemesis Alliance Worgen Male Hunter Survival 24 - 18 57.1%
1200 1863 Sharkdani Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Blood Obsidian Dawn 152 - 145 51.2%
1202 2107 Pizzásh Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction OldStyle 440 - 410 51.8%
1210 1861 Zùha Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Frost Zero Percentile 27 - 18 60.0%
1218 2162 Pebs Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Valor 73 - 56 56.6%
1218 2105 Jekim Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Affliction Collected Company 135 - 110 55.1%
1221 2021 Rune Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 85 - 51 62.5%
1226 1864 Zerovision Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 30 - 22 57.7%
1244 1820 Belzebus Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction TNT 107 - 94 53.2%
1248 2199 Nør Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 502 - 489 50.7%
1253 2015 Erapanzon Nemesis Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver NewEra 65 - 42 60.7%
1257 1819 Lahar Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 34 - 35 49.3%
1257 1819 Fearmenot Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Malimor Touch 55 - 51 51.9%
1273 2082 Ryuumä Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 932 - 898 50.9%
1274 2004 Madtranga Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 39 - 29 57.4%
1275 1869 Lugiax Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Emerald Dream 44 - 60 42.3%
1277 2098 Denasty Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology grkHERØES 176 - 169 51.0%
1278 1864 Okeie Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Death Knight Unholy Zero Percentile 482 - 471 50.6%
1278 1880 Eklissa Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 487 - 494 49.6%
1279 1810 Furiousbunny Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety Marinai di Acqua Dolce 25 - 22 53.2%
1295 1892 Seeciao Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 25 - 17 59.5%
1298 1861 Kas Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 82 - 92 47.1%
1299 2150 Mayback Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury 96 - 75 56.1%
1300 2192 Piky Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 198 - 175 53.1%
1312 2122 Percival Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Non solo Schiaffi 191 - 163 54.0%
1312 2122 Palabido Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 1125 - 1093 50.7%
1312 1844 Muys Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy TimeWalkers 29 - 34 46.0%
1316 1811 Varianza Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Destruction Aeternal Revenge 85 - 85 50.0%
1318 1810 Pønæ Nemesis Horde Vulpera Male Rogue Outlaw 55 - 35 61.1%
1321 1242 Blazed Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Fire GLØBÁL 13 - 23 36.1%
1321 2087 Spatox Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 202 - 189 51.7%
1325 2121 Theor Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution War Cravers 120 - 96 55.6%
1327 1961 Klausz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral CC Breakers 176 - 162 52.1%
1340 1353 Keward Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Mage Frost PvP Therapy 23 - 31 42.6%
1353 1868 Pizzash Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration OldStyle 320 - 325 49.6%
1355 1797 Seh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 161 - 153 51.3%
1357 1856 Jhazzdrag Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Legione Elvetica 84 - 84 50.0%
1364 1991 Robycoleman Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury 43 - 18 70.5%
1364 1822 Tonifor Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement AVIA PERVIA 82 - 79 50.9%
1370 1835 Jomito Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 23 - 7 76.7%
1371 1992 Nìthogg Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 31 - 16 66.0%
1376 2159 Balsamico Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline 70 - 60 53.8%
1378 2059 Icyclaps Nemesis Horde Orc Male Mage Arcane no flame ofc 356 - 344 50.9%
1381 1789 Sindeel Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Survival TimeWalkers 411 - 406 50.3%
1382 1833 Ogrez Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 29 - 13 69.0%
1384 1864 Luxignis Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 64 - 52 55.2%
1387 2067 Disonèsta Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 52 - 50 51.0%
1391 1146 Pyroleasy Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost The Cartel LLC 29 - 43 40.3%
1391 1819 Shamankiller Nemesis Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement Mirror Universe 33 - 32 50.8%
1394 1885 Shinfnz Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 43 - 39 52.4%
1399 1800 Rokuougàn Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Subtlety Unreal 22 - 26 45.8%
1400 2053 Kaffàe Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow Cursed 47 - 30 61.0%
1405 1871 Riscas Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Sleeping Sinners 313 - 296 51.4%
1426 2112 Eatme Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 124 - 109 53.2%
1429 1826 Xoregar Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 61 - 56 52.1%
1432 2152 Vvalerottaßß Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 260 - 238 52.2%
1433 2016 Venux Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Jujutsu high 61 - 53 53.5%
1440 2073 Naberius Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration GLØBÁL 48 - 34 58.5%
1448 2166 Doomsong Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 164 - 154 51.6%
1452 1873 Enò Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Nøx 45 - 33 57.7%
1465 1765 Rikalino Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Survival 29 - 22 56.9%
1487 1844 Vivance Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy Vengeance 36 - 44 45.0%
1489 1867 Mxiy Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 94 - 90 51.1%
1493 960 Smeezy Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane Draken Fang 10 - 14 41.7%
1494 2126 Zurkan Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warrior Fury Shõgun 129 - 112 53.5%
1494 2033 Shadowdecay Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Draken Fang 46 - 33 58.2%
1495 1783 Belthazhor Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 112 - 100 52.8%
1501 1771 Unfortunate Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw btw ure a dog 139 - 141 49.6%
1502 1755 Belter Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 31 - 41 43.1%
1508 2125 Madtranga Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 55 - 47 53.9%
1512 2156 Dreadroott Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery CdS Reborn 255 - 233 52.3%
1512 1814 Dissonance Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Discipline Acolyte 22 - 14 61.1%
1513 1837 Abraxion Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 632 - 616 50.6%
1514 1223 Arvyn Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane From Zero 89 - 130 40.6%
1519 2142 Cryphex Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow OldStyle 174 - 161 51.9%
1523 1926 Abused Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral CC Breakers 81 - 67 54.7%
1527 2026 Easyban Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 37 - 14 72.5%
1528 2136 Arkeon Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Glorious PK Team 69 - 38 64.5%
1530 1771 Vessel Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety 216 - 210 50.7%
1535 1961 Mirton Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Brewmaster Toxic Therapy 43 - 47 47.8%
1541 1876 Iamayaqt Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 99 - 92 51.8%
1583 2147 Jhøn Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery grkHERØES 114 - 97 54.0%
1583 1837 Daxtera Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Restoration 80 - 72 52.6%
1591 1959 Saenchai Nemesis Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver 895 - 906 49.7%
1592 1951 Shihui Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker TheDepleters 540 - 531 50.4%
1592 1787 Kraos Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 164 - 159 50.8%
1595 2028 Raia Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction bis 46 - 47 49.5%
1603 1825 Lifecycle Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance OldStyle 23 - 19 54.8%
1604 2117 Orcior Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 212 - 195 52.1%
1607 2013 Yoii Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Red Skulls 126 - 132 48.8%
1608 1757 Draknosh Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction no flame ofc 54 - 52 50.9%
1609 2025 Lahar Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 52 - 45 53.6%
1619 1957 Khratom Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Warrior Arms 44 - 45 49.4%
1625 1956 Doragon Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 157 - 161 49.4%
1629 1753 Burdel Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety PvP Therapy 67 - 58 53.6%
1631 863 Füyu Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 9 - 9 50.0%
1634 1810 Jerryll Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 46 - 42 52.3%
1636 2126 Luxwalker Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 48 - 29 62.3%
1638 1775 Burash Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 23 - 25 47.9%
1641 2029 Exaptation Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental Nøx 130 - 135 49.1%
1642 1850 Zììryo Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation IgnorHunters 159 - 135 54.1%
1643 2007 Kuf Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 377 - 367 50.7%
1646 1747 Insonnia Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 218 - 214 50.5%
1647 1798 Felgy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 41 - 30 57.7%
1648 2129 Cirina Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy PvP Therapy 890 - 851 51.1%
1651 1952 Draynus Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 46 - 38 54.8%
1653 1800 Loteri Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 76 - 69 52.4%
1660 1831 Senshì Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Red Skulls 106 - 107 49.8%
1663 2025 Ardesya Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Dojo 80 - 70 53.3%
1666 1862 Cresselía Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 23 - 13 63.9%
1666 2137 Seh Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 402 - 396 50.4%
1668 2014 Mackattack Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost OldStyle 173 - 172 50.1%
1669 2015 Lahara Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 39 - 29 57.4%
1673 2014 Làhar Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 52 - 44 54.2%
1673 1744 Siegderliebe Nemesis Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety 43 - 56 43.4%
1675 1950 Bozzolina Nemesis Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver Dojo 138 - 124 52.7%
1676 1833 Nelhes Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Female Druid Restoration 92 - 82 52.9%
1676 768 Esculapìo Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Shà Dong 8 - 10 44.4%
1677 1830 Toxiczombie Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Blood Toxic Therapy 48 - 36 57.1%
1679 1783 Belthazhor Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 125 - 111 53.0%
1684 2135 Huntérr Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Oderant 53 - 45 54.1%
1686 1704 Iexy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 34 - 22 60.7%
1687 2110 Semmeme Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 56 - 34 62.2%
1693 2020 Eneru Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Horde of Chaos 49 - 41 54.4%
1694 1735 Azthral Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 498 - 508 49.5%
1697 1049 Jekìnerk Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Collected Company 11 - 19 36.7%
1697 1806 Xeßec Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Sleeping Sinners 26 - 34 43.3%
1701 1789 Sborrata Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 275 - 269 50.6%
1703 1788 Zerofear Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Opportunisti 55 - 43 56.1%
1708 2085 Zkxbe Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution CAFONI 330 - 298 52.5%
1708 1770 Gensø Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology 203 - 191 51.5%
1709 2009 Nightm Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Unreal 78 - 80 49.4%
1709 2009 Zatior Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 47 - 44 51.6%
1710 1830 Spiralout Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 2041 - 2137 48.9%
1713 2006 Làhàr Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warlock Demonology 43 - 36 54.4%
1719 2016 Phondelli Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Legione LewoPh 172 - 149 53.6%
1720 1843 Zmei Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 154 - 131 54.0%
1727 2107 Azøgg Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms grkHERØES 205 - 177 53.7%
1730 1941 Hurrikayn Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 172 - 169 50.4%
1731 2007 Calabreeze Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost 34 - 21 61.8%
1735 1941 Señsei Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 137 - 118 53.7%
1738 1749 Dökowski Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 268 - 260 50.8%
1743 2081 Limitles Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Jujutsu high 110 - 99 52.6%
1745 1696 Chikasneff Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 48 - 49 49.5%
1748 2080 Baalbek Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 59 - 43 57.8%
1752 759 Ctrlmaker Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 8 - 16 33.3%
1757 2004 Boomboomciao Nemesis Horde Orc Male Mage Frost PvP Therapy 240 - 238 50.2%
1761 1727 Kinzål Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Rogue Subtlety 411 - 407 50.2%
1766 1726 Golconde Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Rogue Subtlety 36 - 42 46.2%
1769 1820 Tàsslehoof Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 30 - 18 62.5%
1769 1750 Fearmenot Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Malimor Touch 21 - 19 52.5%
1772 2002 Ðiaßlø Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 84 - 68 55.3%
1774 1937 Calesbrix Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Monk Mistweaver Sleeping Sinners 299 - 287 51.0%
1775 703 Bagigia Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire BadCømpany 8 - 6 57.1%
1777 1853 Holdemon Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 27 - 36 42.9%
1777 2076 Vestix Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution 60 - 56 51.7%
1783 1996 Oxycod Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 327 - 315 50.9%
1791 1824 Deadmarshall Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Draken Fang 75 - 77 49.3%
1791 1824 Verzina Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Sinbreakers 52 - 47 52.5%
1795 1823 Eminemn Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 308 - 313 49.6%
1803 1817 Heosham Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration TheDepleters 45 - 39 53.6%
1813 1992 Nezak Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 61 - 54 53.0%
1813 2071 Patablanimal Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Paladin Retribution Carried 43 - 29 59.7%
1819 1716 Illix Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 110 - 96 53.4%
1821 1704 Nikoemme Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 18 - 12 60.0%
1825 2101 Wtbchallenge Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms Mirror Universe 75 - 81 48.1%
1828 1989 Fàtos Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Destruction OldStyle 192 - 186 50.8%
1829 1821 Rehar Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration EnRaGe 54 - 51 51.4%
1830 1729 Tsalash Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology I Cani Malati 38 - 33 53.5%
1834 2116 Zeropressure Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Draken Fang 104 - 68 60.5%
1839 1922 Zurkan Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warrior Fury Shõgun 90 - 86 51.1%
1840 2100 Jhonmarston Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Draken Fang 243 - 243 50.0%
1844 1987 Darkkey Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Vengeance 52 - 38 57.8%
1845 1698 Naghuldur Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 28 - 32 46.7%
1847 1926 Touchmykarma Nemesis Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 32 - 19 62.7%
1857 1925 Magadha Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Non solo Schiaffi 276 - 255 52.0%
1859 1919 Akaricciie Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 140 - 142 49.6%
1859 1985 Rahabak Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Obsidian Dawn 53 - 43 55.2%
1860 1989 Ennenm Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 341 - 314 52.1%
1860 1989 Mári Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Red Skulls 132 - 133 49.8%
1863 1707 Aomame Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Mythic Raiders 190 - 206 48.0%
1869 1924 Ketonik Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker EnRaGe 187 - 157 54.4%
1870 671 Eccala Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire AVIA PERVIA 7 - 23 23.3%
1878 1987 Esculapìo Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost Shà Dong 1225 - 1221 50.1%
1879 1820 Muys Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy TimeWalkers 46 - 37 55.4%
1888 1980 Unstablemind Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 22 - 11 66.7%
1889 1985 Lìke Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Arcane OldStyle 55 - 59 48.2%
1889 1709 Bamoli Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warlock Demonology 22 - 14 61.1%
1890 1872 Junglejolt Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral OldStyle 133 - 114 53.8%
1896 1770 Klarkino Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost GLØBÁL 24 - 24 50.0%
1899 1656 Hotanimegirl Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival 47 - 59 44.3%
1904 576 Gàbster Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 6 - 12 33.3%
1904 576 Ventolinagg Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost OldStyle 7 - 2 77.8%
1905 2090 Moxa Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Red Skulls 420 - 410 50.6%
1908 1825 Jekìn Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Shõgun 87 - 79 52.4%
1910 2117 Hirömi Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Pirates of Scarlet Moon 133 - 124 51.8%
1916 1704 Darkwizzardz Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 20 - 23 46.5%
1917 1648 Ðeadname Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw OldStyle 39 - 38 50.6%
1924 1916 Uto Nemesis Horde Undead Female Monk Mistweaver 69 - 67 50.7%
1928 2116 Arkok Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Shà Dong 113 - 98 53.6%
1931 1649 Xavian Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Raid hard Wipe harder 20 - 16 55.6%
1937 1978 Vargülf Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental OldStyle 61 - 59 50.8%
1942 1780 Eksah Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Evox 73 - 61 54.5%
1945 1803 Samßa Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation IO CANEH 34 - 25 57.6%
1950 1841 Alexi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Sinbreakers 32 - 28 53.3%
1951 1976 Mvsk Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost 318 - 313 50.4%
1962 2081 Howdoyoulose Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury Aint No Way 162 - 151 51.8%
1963 1813 Phigarotta Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration OldStyle 34 - 26 56.7%
1964 1670 Enyras Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Is a Mouse Clicker 18 - 18 50.0%
1967 1669 Dotexecya Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Alliance Defender 52 - 43 54.7%
1977 736 Sixmonths Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire 9 - 1 90.0%
1979 1640 Percarità Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival PvP Therapy 43 - 52 45.3%
1995 1675 Nezak Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 25 - 24 51.0%
1996 672 Dwang Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 8 - 8 50.0%
1996 672 Gàbster Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 7 - 11 38.9%
2000 1625 Denastyr Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 23 - 34 40.4%
2002 2074 Nattygainz Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Pirates of Scarlet Moon 57 - 39 59.4%
2003 1969 Miyüki Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 162 - 155 51.1%
2020 1713 Healaria Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Mad Skillz 19 - 29 39.6%
2022 1964 Yøøii Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Red Skulls 84 - 88 48.8%
2028 1814 Negromaccio Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Death Knight Unholy 77 - 79 49.4%
2028 1814 Davrakk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 394 - 377 51.1%
2036 1726 Supradk Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost GLØBÁL 81 - 80 50.3%
2044 511 Obaba Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost 6 - 20 23.1%
2044 1957 Toripès Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology Sacred Souls 65 - 46 58.6%
2045 2098 Visiønhammer Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Zero Percentile 53 - 43 55.2%
2045 1816 Blavoker Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 153 - 140 52.2%
2049 1895 Siderian Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury I Fuori Luogo 259 - 247 51.2%
2050 480 Erpelato Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Fire 5 - 7 41.7%
2055 1958 Kinkongz Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 203 - 185 52.3%
2062 1913 Rõger Nemesis Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw AVIA PERVIA 213 - 214 49.9%
2062 1815 Holevok Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 27 - 29 48.2%
2065 1854 Zampøna Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Druid Feral Aeternal Revenge 145 - 135 51.8%
2077 1645 Lellix Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Warlock Destruction 130 - 132 49.6%
2079 1897 Ithìlion Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 26 - 16 61.9%
2083 1834 Morvash Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 46 - 51 47.4%
2087 1852 Animabìanca Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 325 - 331 49.5%
2093 1875 Wìshmaster Nemesis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker Non solo Schiaffi 72 - 68 51.4%
2097 1760 Blake Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 121 - 106 53.3%
2101 669 Killami Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost AVIA PERVIA 7 - 29 19.4%
2102 1952 Thundergødx Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 37 - 23 61.7%
2111 1668 Forthegog Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 111 - 115 49.1%
2114 2100 Luxbender Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 63 - 57 52.5%
2117 1736 Kinkong Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 183 - 189 49.2%
2123 1591 Koshida Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw 21 - 27 43.8%
2130 1646 Kør Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement 23 - 26 46.9%
2134 576 Kalioz Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost PvP Therapy 6 - 6 50.0%
2134 576 Jasonderrik Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost oZn 6 - 12 33.3%
2134 576 Kîra Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 6 - 6 50.0%
2134 1884 Matthaeos Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 29 - 30 49.2%
2140 2055 Khargal Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 120 - 113 51.5%
2141 2029 Piccioncino Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 52 - 34 60.5%
2145 1809 Penetronn Nemesis Alliance Worgen Male Death Knight Unholy Malimor Touch 67 - 51 56.8%
2147 1630 Kaelsius Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 78 - 78 50.0%
2147 2082 Ulamdurr Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 155 - 134 53.6%
2147 1697 Antofor Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Frost Pirates of Scarlet Moon 69 - 84 45.1%
2150 1641 Durkuza Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental 45 - 45 50.0%
2154 2028 Atum Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 167 - 147 53.2%
2159 1830 Métall Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Aeternal Revenge 447 - 429 51.0%
2159 1951 Vermèntino Nemesis Horde Troll Male Mage Frost Evox 79 - 83 48.8%
2174 1691 Cfngorilla Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost CAFONI 49 - 47 51.0%
2182 1789 Porca Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 282 - 298 48.6%
2182 1937 Kerciak Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Alcova 100 - 89 52.9%
2185 2076 Imhelear Nemesis Alliance Earthen Male Paladin Holy Just Dont Die 47 - 41 53.4%
2185 1632 Resønate Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement 26 - 28 48.1%
2188 1808 Balerione Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Shattered 89 - 81 52.4%
2189 1788 Screamchamp Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration OldStyle 64 - 69 48.1%
2192 1763 Equilibrìum Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation OldStyle 92 - 96 48.9%
2192 1862 Drowen Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker Just Dont Die 94 - 87 51.9%
2193 1677 Mxy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy 25 - 24 51.0%
2197 2100 Hunterback Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 217 - 193 52.9%
2219 1597 Zanzarismo Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Warlock Demonology Evolving 22 - 32 40.7%
2221 1860 Windbreaker Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 32 - 18 64.0%
2224 1676 Necrosking Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood OldStyle 20 - 21 48.8%
2224 1676 Kasdaya Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Frost Bonjour Beautiful Baby 20 - 22 47.6%
2227 1625 Strìféz Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 38 - 40 48.7%
2229 2097 Ennenh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 184 - 149 55.3%
2231 384 Sylant Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Frost MVP 4 - 2 66.7%
2236 1798 Draosh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Pushers 26 - 17 60.5%
2236 2044 Barmorn Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 204 - 194 51.3%
2239 1880 Monkartick Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Collected Company 76 - 63 54.7%
2239 1754 Aeridan Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Sinbreakers 67 - 60 52.8%
2242 1805 Alog Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy btw ure a dog 191 - 185 50.8%
2245 2095 Magicnanø Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 39 - 15 72.2%
2248 2067 Noyashi Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy 54 - 36 60.0%
2251 1709 Minaa Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance PvP Therapy 59 - 56 51.3%
2259 1752 Perduecanne Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 93 - 95 49.5%
2262 1670 Uhdk Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Blood Zero Percentile 55 - 57 49.1%
2267 1926 Enyras Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Is a Mouse Clicker 220 - 213 50.8%
2268 1804 Sixrina Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation PvP Therapy 131 - 127 50.8%
2268 1804 Mystrick Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 25 - 11 69.4%
2269 1609 Zenii Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warlock Destruction HeadHunters 20 - 22 47.6%
2280 1869 Corsaronero Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms Non solo Schiaffi 501 - 484 50.9%
2284 1703 Tronchetto Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Guardian Unreal 34 - 32 51.5%
2289 1772 Linguini Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 158 - 136 53.7%
2292 1605 Zomko Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction GLØBÁL 156 - 161 49.2%
2293 1613 Albisha Nemesis Horde Vulpera Male Shaman Enhancement 42 - 48 46.7%
2305 1803 Wrathyel Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 19 - 5 79.2%
2309 1642 Akaali Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 107 - 103 51.0%
2312 1932 Elodjn Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 38 - 44 46.3%
2318 1651 Jhaazx Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline Shõgun 18 - 24 42.9%
2320 1931 Phanorim Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 55 - 38 59.1%
2323 1782 Onlymatsu Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 54 - 49 52.4%
2333 480 Kayà Nemesis Horde Goblin Female Mage Frost I Fuori Luogo 5 - 13 27.8%
2333 480 Irènicùs Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane 5 - 7 41.7%
2335 1742 Nigør Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Collected Company 211 - 215 49.5%
2339 2082 Coltan Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 135 - 136 49.8%
2346 1531 Làhar Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 16 - 8 66.7%
2346 1692 Yööi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Red Skulls 26 - 34 43.3%
2348 1730 Belter Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 151 - 128 54.1%
2348 1915 Zomko Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction GLØBÁL 361 - 354 50.5%
2353 1765 Qkobe Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration CAFONI 51 - 57 47.2%
2355 1867 Kaffae Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Windwalker 76 - 63 54.7%
2357 1650 Badbamby Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost PvP Therapy 304 - 318 48.9%
2362 1801 Kraghal Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy CSI Orgrimmar 208 - 213 49.4%
2363 1907 Toskeyro Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental Red Skulls 426 - 425 50.1%
2371 1646 Dkilljoy Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 320 - 332 49.1%
2373 1798 Roledydrake Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation OldStyle 153 - 143 51.7%
2376 1898 Beladith Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 40 - 40 50.0%
2377 1596 Craisaz Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 19 - 17 52.8%
2378 1518 Arariel Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology Døgma 36 - 35 50.7%
2380 1685 Markyra Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 24 - 36 40.0%
2382 1726 Midorima Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Hunter Beast Mastery 24 - 18 57.1%
2386 1772 Druyugi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 168 - 189 47.1%
2391 1634 Wojty Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 63 - 71 47.0%
2393 1800 Vòrpal Nemesis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost PvP Therapy 37 - 50 42.5%
2393 1922 Nachtgeist Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 64 - 60 51.6%
2395 1845 Wazari Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Brewmaster PvP Therapy 52 - 55 48.6%
2404 1639 Myrkul Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost 63 - 66 48.8%
2408 1580 Streganni Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction TheDepleters 58 - 80 42.0%
2418 1630 Yøshimitzu Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 83 - 64 56.5%
2419 1721 Ericdurden Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 103 - 110 48.4%
2427 1891 Hohengeissel Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline OldStyle 52 - 50 51.0%
2427 1634 Chilï Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost Most Muscular 19 - 31 38.0%
2429 1843 Cantodigiada Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker Marinai di Acqua Dolce 71 - 67 51.4%
2432 1824 Druyugi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 29 - 25 53.7%
2433 1463 Ykko Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw OldStyle 211 - 206 50.6%
2437 1461 Lira Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 33 - 45 42.3%
2438 1853 Deephàzé Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms NØlifers 29 - 25 53.7%
2447 2003 Skullsßreath Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution TheDepleters 71 - 54 56.8%
2453 1451 Frichicchio Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Outlaw 37 - 59 38.5%
2456 1914 Nimz Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Pulsar 29 - 31 48.3%
2457 1818 Demonrock Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Senju 170 - 160 51.5%
2458 1455 Xanatas Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology OldStyle 57 - 60 48.7%
2461 1913 Karaff Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost 119 - 115 50.9%
2464 1890 Tatsu Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 55 - 53 50.9%
2467 1779 Pippomale Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation PvP Therapy 68 - 70 49.3%
2476 1625 Apøcalipse Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost No Name 142 - 124 53.4%
2481 2063 Anìmabianca Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Acheron 159 - 155 50.6%
2484 1777 Watchmefly Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 130 - 107 54.9%
2485 1718 Kérberos Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Midnight 84 - 99 45.9%
2487 1437 Làhàr Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warlock Demonology 15 - 21 41.7%
2489 1910 Xarzaku Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 407 - 404 50.2%
2490 1864 Rixrog Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Assassination 38 - 28 57.6%
2500 1621 Hacra Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 35 - 48 42.2%
2504 2060 Veratyr Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival Obsidian Dawn 128 - 122 51.2%
2504 2060 Pikyy Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Hunter Beast Mastery 103 - 97 51.5%
2506 1556 Naethirr Nemesis Horde Troll Female Warlock Demonology Malimor Touch 73 - 65 52.9%
2509 288 Volkèst Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Fire Eternal Whispers 3 - 3 50.0%
2509 2055 Vëth Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Knights of Eternity 220 - 206 51.6%
2509 2055 Beladith Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 757 - 754 50.1%
2510 1544 Maduni Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement Acheron 143 - 167 46.1%
2510 2036 Ðanja Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Factum Est Delirium 369 - 349 51.4%
2511 1424 Ùoryà Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Rogue Outlaw 89 - 114 43.8%
2512 1427 Ræey Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction 15 - 27 35.7%
2514 2059 Ganknimal Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery grkHERØES 214 - 193 52.6%
2524 464 Flareal Nemesis Horde Nightborne Female Mage Arcane 7 - 18 28.0%
2524 1882 Sarfaung Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental no flame ofc 140 - 134 51.1%
2524 2058 Deathwidow Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 43 - 35 55.1%
2525 1996 Perhaps Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Paladin Protection Zero Percentile 419 - 394 51.5%
2531 1752 Steoltre Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance Collected Company 52 - 67 43.7%
2533 2034 Lorenzfirst Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy NOKU GI OSHKAVA 69 - 47 59.5%
2539 1885 Dotexecya Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Alliance Defender 85 - 76 52.8%
2545 1613 Spìt Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination Zero Percentile 18 - 9 66.7%
2546 384 Daedoc Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Red Skulls 4 - 8 33.3%
2546 384 Matsûra Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 電願意番 4 - 2 66.7%
2546 384 Canepowa Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Mage Arcane Unreal 4 - 2 66.7%
2550 1878 Brobblem Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Whipped Cream 130 - 125 51.0%
2551 1355 Bràx Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Warlock Demonology Angels of Death 25 - 47 34.7%
2551 1815 Illy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc THE HEROES 25 - 29 46.3%
2557 1780 Dkhouse Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy 39 - 48 44.8%
2564 1602 Deadhope Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy Nemitici Plus 39 - 39 50.0%
2568 1606 Azagorod Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Non solo Schiaffi 43 - 55 43.9%
2571 1756 Valey Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Shõgun 70 - 70 50.0%
2572 1736 Lòrdvarys Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Shaman Restoration 22 - 20 52.4%
2581 1844 Gromàk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms PvP Therapy 91 - 88 50.8%
2588 1513 Phondelli Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Elemental Legione LewoPh 16 - 20 44.4%
2588 1776 Môrgøth Nemesis Horde Nightborne Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 50 - 60 45.5%
2590 1601 Kholee Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Death Knight Frost 131 - 139 48.5%
2601 1854 Keane Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination PvP Therapy 72 - 53 57.6%
2606 2048 Squirtino Nemesis Horde Vulpera Male Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 184 - 172 51.7%
2606 1742 Kyo Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 109 - 91 54.5%
2606 1742 Poldicaster Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Killing Floor 740 - 713 50.9%
2606 1870 Thundius Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental CHITÓN 132 - 111 54.3%
2608 1813 Leà Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Acheron 69 - 51 57.5%
2611 1844 Bannedirl Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 204 - 225 47.6%
2621 1840 Faustà Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Pirates of Scarlet Moon 51 - 57 47.2%
2624 1988 Manfredi Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 114 - 111 50.7%
2628 1501 Kàzzàk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement PvP Therapy 25 - 34 42.4%
2636 1839 Bønecrusher Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Concilio di Ades 60 - 58 50.8%
2636 1812 Raskiodh Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Vengeance Zero Percentile 34 - 38 47.2%
2637 1498 Thamani Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Enhancement PvP Therapy 65 - 68 48.9%
2640 1896 Modestina Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost Pls Dont Leap Me 92 - 91 50.3%
2641 1581 Judyalvarez Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 22 - 20 52.4%
2646 2004 Horis Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Pirates of Scarlet Moon 35 - 28 55.6%
2648 2042 Bonazzaa Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 232 - 230 50.2%
2649 1768 Skibidk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Dark Brotherhøod 394 - 381 50.8%
2651 1333 Säsori Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 61 - 69 46.9%
2652 2023 Bop Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy PvP Therapy 76 - 50 60.3%
2652 2023 Selkis Nemesis Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Holy 107 - 89 54.6%
2656 1586 Badromance Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost GreedyGolds 34 - 44 43.6%
2667 1863 Capricciie Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental NøMercy 28 - 25 52.8%
2672 2021 Taràllo Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Protection EnRaGe 230 - 191 54.6%
2673 1862 Lìlith Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 34 - 38 47.2%
2678 1625 Elréndar Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Angels of Death 101 - 104 49.3%
2681 1430 Erkiller Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Survival Curse of Darkness 15 - 9 62.5%
2684 2001 Dynther Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury OldStyle 36 - 21 63.2%
2686 1983 Yöi Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Red Skulls 40 - 44 47.6%
2687 2040 Sephix Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 34 - 18 65.4%
2688 1624 Dudukid Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance PvP Therapy 74 - 70 51.4%
2692 1811 Forthgòg Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral IO CANEH 46 - 33 58.2%
2692 2000 Deephaze Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Nitoryu 54 - 50 51.9%
2701 1859 Shagab Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental OldStyle 40 - 42 48.8%
2701 1835 Suponjibobu Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury NOKU GI OSHKAVA 42 - 38 52.5%
2702 1846 Glebor Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 75 - 70 51.7%
2715 1834 Brukokiss Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms 45 - 45 50.0%
2724 1565 Taigash Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Death Knight Frost The Dusty Nerd 20 - 23 46.5%
2731 1758 Greemreaper Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy I Gladiatori 53 - 61 46.5%
2732 1500 Vredesbyrd Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction Top Priority 52 - 52 50.0%
2734 1809 Davexxdruid Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral 136 - 126 51.9%
2735 1853 Eoka Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline The Rolling Stoner 351 - 333 51.3%
2737 2034 Akhronos Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Non solo Schiaffi 121 - 103 54.0%
2738 1717 Hüber Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 101 - 120 45.7%
2742 1995 Matthaeos Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 121 - 117 50.8%
2744 1688 Sixrina Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation PvP Therapy 832 - 856 49.3%
2744 1688 Valey Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Shõgun 54 - 62 46.6%
2744 1688 Dragonbàll Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 129 - 124 51.0%
2753 1723 Lovelen Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Unstable Skìll 407 - 408 49.9%
2754 1609 Bèarlusconi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance PvP Therapy 42 - 36 53.8%
2765 1542 ßunny Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy 111 - 118 48.5%
2767 1833 Noobster Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 83 - 76 52.2%
2767 1684 Vharian Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation OldStyle 32 - 50 39.0%
2767 1831 Sëd Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Warrior Fury Nøx 175 - 153 53.4%
2767 1752 Zùha Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Death Knight Frost Zero Percentile 26 - 20 56.5%
2772 1713 Axoloth Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 44 - 40 52.4%
2774 2032 Blake Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 38 - 21 64.4%
2779 1806 Cat Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral OldSchool 35 - 25 58.3%
2782 1750 Azagorod Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Non solo Schiaffi 159 - 158 50.2%
2786 1857 Capichera Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction Draken Fang 231 - 227 50.4%
2796 1856 Nezdum Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction 104 - 94 52.5%
2798 1145 Sako Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology 12 - 18 40.0%
2802 1579 Diaoloepocan Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety The Italian Job 40 - 38 51.3%
2803 1432 Lightstorm Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement OldStyle 15 - 21 41.7%
2805 1600 Wolfally Nemesis Alliance Worgen Male Druid Balance Zen Vibes 651 - 650 50.0%
2808 192 Belthàzòr Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 2 - 4 33.3%
2808 1973 Aveomaria Nemesis Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Paladin Retribution Malimor Touch 29 - 21 58.0%
2810 1747 Justsueg Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Blood 58 - 54 51.8%
2811 1359 Globin Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Hunter Survival Shõgun 33 - 33 50.0%
2814 1206 Nascondinò Nemesis Horde Orc Male Rogue Outlaw PvP Therapy 79 - 124 38.9%
2814 2029 Kaffàe Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow Cursed 88 - 81 52.1%
2818 1972 Draìgo Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Adrenalìne 36 - 29 55.4%
2823 1353 Skéir Nemesis Horde Goblin Male Hunter Survival PvP Therapy 26 - 40 39.4%
2824 1678 Shrykøs Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Dark Templars 134 - 132 50.4%
2828 1597 Naiska Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Balance PvP Therapy 21 - 18 53.8%
2830 1056 Lahara Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 11 - 1 91.7%
2835 1743 Inkubos Nemesis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Unholy Mirror Universe 55 - 45 55.0%
2839 1712 Freenk Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Fidelcastoro Tribe 51 - 73 41.1%
2840 1525 Diabolibel Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy PvP Therapy 37 - 47 44.0%
2842 1742 Messiä Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy OldStyle 173 - 189 47.8%
2842 1178 Leeso Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw PvP Therapy 36 - 78 31.6%
2851 1571 Sephys Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 21 - 15 58.3%
2857 1341 Midorima Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Hunter Beast Mastery 15 - 24 38.5%
2863 1841 Denizen Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 310 - 277 52.8%
2864 1740 Kalius Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy Animus Vox 212 - 217 49.4%
2865 1968 Angelthought Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Pirates of Scarlet Moon 98 - 93 51.3%
2865 1405 Sizeshaming Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement 17 - 19 47.2%
2866 1680 Krugør Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery 73 - 68 51.8%
2866 1151 Rafa Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Outlaw 12 - 18 40.0%
2869 1834 Serrog Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 28 - 26 51.9%
2879 1672 Ioop Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation 22 - 13 62.9%
2882 1150 Rëmì Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination OldStyle 12 - 24 33.3%
2891 1737 Kaldhan Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 100 - 92 52.1%
2895 2005 Sèlkìs Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 58 - 43 57.4%
2895 2005 Physxczvv Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy OldStyle 204 - 194 51.3%
2901 1801 Holdruid Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral 226 - 228 49.8%
2905 1576 Ednes Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Pasta alla Norma 133 - 127 51.2%
2905 1832 Kîrä Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Assassination 39 - 41 48.8%
2911 1505 Ðotgød Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 22 - 26 45.8%
2914 2004 Leerdhammer Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy WORST GENERATION 145 - 125 53.7%
2914 1980 Mashle Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 90 - 83 52.0%
2914 1322 Porkakkia Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Flag Down 14 - 16 46.7%
2915 1802 Yöru Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 46 - 50 47.9%
2915 1574 Shinnok Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 264 - 273 49.2%
2915 1734 Orlyfans Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Tempus Fugìt 31 - 23 57.4%
2920 1800 Kònoha Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Guardian Mythic Reaper 56 - 46 54.9%
2921 1871 Smeezy Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane Draken Fang 272 - 251 52.0%
2922 1963 Hacrassya Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Red Skulls 252 - 232 52.1%
2923 1379 Stormartick Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 27 - 51 34.6%
2924 2018 Pøpìxøxø Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 236 - 235 50.1%
2925 1819 Ràskiò Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Zero Percentile 20 - 15 57.1%
2927 2003 Zavrøt Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy 61 - 57 51.7%
2927 2003 Elyrax Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy PvP Therapy 195 - 196 49.9%
2929 1676 Héaven Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 72 - 66 52.2%
2935 1496 Rhareshh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline OldStyle 85 - 88 49.1%
2936 1509 Môrgøth Nemesis Horde Nightborne Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 16 - 20 44.4%
2937 1674 Coltan Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 32 - 17 65.3%
2940 2019 Vvalerota Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 56 - 45 55.4%
2950 1834 Zenvo Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 32 - 22 59.3%
2951 1365 Bestemmiotto Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement PvP Therapy 30 - 49 38.0%
2954 1977 Guesstresca Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Protection Pirates of Scarlet Moon 69 - 55 55.6%
2959 1501 Senshì Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy Red Skulls 32 - 28 53.3%
2962 1553 Rõger Nemesis Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw AVIA PERVIA 76 - 77 49.7%
2967 2017 Mambanero Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline SacroLOL 1207 - 1192 50.3%
2975 1661 Sihnn Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Desease Sparta 93 - 84 52.5%
2979 1800 Demonk Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 513 - 512 50.0%
2979 1800 Shokì Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Shõgun 65 - 61 51.6%
2985 1493 Leonardino Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost Alcova 21 - 33 38.9%
2988 1958 Hølyspit Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution NTEK 30 - 24 55.6%
2988 2016 Greywarden Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline BadCømpany 66 - 53 55.5%
3007 1340 Obadai Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement OldStyle 14 - 10 58.3%
3019 1667 Cãssandra Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Rock n LoL 45 - 48 48.4%
3022 1466 Yunhalesca Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow 41 - 43 48.8%
3030 1862 Belzëboobs Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 61 - 66 48.0%
3035 1819 Holmonker Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 88 - 71 55.3%
3035 1995 Calion Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution 34 - 26 56.7%
3036 1655 Charmandèr Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation PvP Therapy 50 - 56 47.2%
3037 1827 Xaanax Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow PvP Therapy 301 - 298 50.3%
3039 911 Azthral Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 10 - 7 58.8%
3042 1970 Garroshar Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 153 - 155 49.7%
3046 1689 Lifèless Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration OldStyle 218 - 241 47.5%
3050 1653 Bovenver Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 39 - 29 57.4%
3051 1784 Arniel Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Druid Feral 135 - 123 52.3%
3051 1826 Màvérìck Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental The Rebels 60 - 54 52.6%
3054 1397 Moscaxxll Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Valor 141 - 164 46.2%
3055 2012 Tuttobeneyes Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Iron Madness 97 - 102 48.7%
3056 1453 Incordia Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline AVIA PERVIA 137 - 156 46.8%
3060 1835 Vilez Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 43 - 34 55.8%
3060 864 Streganni Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction TheDepleters 9 - 4 69.2%
3062 1651 Lugiax Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Emerald Dream 22 - 14 61.1%
3070 1952 Ipocricia Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Valor 418 - 398 51.2%
3074 1649 Exaggerate Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation Evox 79 - 73 52.0%
3078 1790 Alwhen Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc TheDepleters 348 - 329 51.4%
3085 1812 Keisuke Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 29 - 43 40.3%
3086 959 Eorlingass Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 10 - 14 41.7%
3088 1822 Jörmungàndr Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental grkHERØES 72 - 72 50.0%
3091 1815 Workout Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms 31 - 23 57.4%
3095 1676 Arahn Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 105 - 106 49.8%
3096 1950 Øvær Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution I Figli Della Merda 106 - 95 52.7%
3099 2005 Aìmbott Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery Vengeance 50 - 45 52.6%
3100 1816 Windbreaker Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 28 - 17 62.2%
3100 1714 Dafurion Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 133 - 146 47.7%
3108 1949 Forneus Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 792 - 792 50.0%
3115 2008 Rhareshh Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Discipline OldStyle 448 - 401 52.8%
3120 1811 Magatt Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 61 - 54 53.0%
3123 1528 Shadøwstep Nemesis Horde Pandaren Female Rogue Subtlety 17 - 27 38.6%
3142 1810 Onimal Nemesis Horde Nightborne Female Monk Windwalker Sacred Souls 374 - 371 50.2%
3143 1820 Paranoic Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety Alcova 33 - 39 45.8%
3143 1820 Silverorc Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination PvP Therapy 267 - 265 50.2%
3143 1640 Shrykøs Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Dark Templars 123 - 122 50.2%
3146 1439 Alwàysdk Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 15 - 9 62.5%
3153 1524 Lira Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety 51 - 72 41.5%
3153 1814 Shinzen Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver Red Skulls 162 - 139 53.8%
3156 1818 Baptizer Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow lord of darknes 312 - 304 50.6%
3157 1709 Fracico Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy OldStyle 35 - 27 56.5%
3157 96 Giucas Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Frost AVIA PERVIA 1 - 5 16.7%
3161 1812 Silensius Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Legione Elvetica 22 - 30 42.3%
3173 1506 Matteosgirl Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance OldStyle 41 - 49 45.6%
3188 1827 Itsricciie Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction NøMercy 69 - 74 48.3%
3192 1654 Inseminetor Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery IO CANEH 36 - 42 46.2%
3194 1808 Barador Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker Insane Nerds 33 - 33 50.0%
3202 1771 Coccodance Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Collected Company 128 - 133 49.0%
3209 2002 Pàndoràh Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline Shõgun 119 - 125 48.8%
3209 1810 Ghundir Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Hans Landa Crew 41 - 42 49.4%
3210 1635 Greysmoke Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 23 - 27 46.0%
3216 1515 Rakiza Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 379 - 387 49.5%
3218 1407 Spàgno Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Holy Rock n LoL 32 - 31 50.8%
3220 1825 Khìòs Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 44 - 46 48.9%
3220 1817 Sylvanshadow Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Rogue Assassination Apocalypse Reloaded 51 - 55 48.1%
3221 1422 Fallenhorn Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost Horde Vanguard 15 - 15 50.0%
3222 1995 Belter Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 46 - 40 53.5%
3223 1513 Paranoic Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety Alcova 16 - 20 44.4%
3226 192 Matteolordo Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Mage Frost Valor 2 - 4 33.3%
3226 192 Piccinenji Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Arcane Pirates of Scarlet Moon 2 - 4 33.3%
3226 1663 Wolfribs Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 102 - 109 48.3%
3226 192 Fhrosty Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Mage Frost lord of darknes 2 - 6 25.0%
3226 192 Modestina Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost Pls Dont Leap Me 2 - 4 33.3%
3230 1811 Holback Nemesis Horde Troll Male Shaman Elemental 31 - 35 47.0%
3239 1937 Naska Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 358 - 345 50.9%
3241 2000 Everhàrd Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Past Midnight 322 - 326 49.7%
3244 1761 Isiliel Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral OldStyle 62 - 66 48.4%
3257 1991 Arwæn Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 74 - 67 52.5%
3268 1847 Holbeck Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost oZn 163 - 154 51.4%
3269 1822 Ogrez Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Demonology 30 - 14 68.2%
3279 1808 Orcoddioo Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 214 - 209 50.6%
3280 1989 Nùtella Nemesis Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery TheDepleters 235 - 223 51.3%
3281 1809 Pandemoniumz Nemesis Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 106 - 116 47.7%
3281 1809 Pewex Nemesis Horde Troll Male Monk Mistweaver 64 - 70 47.8%
3282 1761 Toshix Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Hans Landa Crew 61 - 64 48.8%
3284 1373 Jeìlà Nemesis Horde Vulpera Female Priest Shadow 51 - 83 38.1%
3285 1291 Truceklann Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 143 - 166 46.3%
3308 1995 Apeminister Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Zero Percentile 35 - 19 64.8%
3308 1995 Loteri Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline 61 - 49 55.5%
3315 1971 Vart Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 88 - 70 55.7%
3315 1022 Overx Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival 12 - 20 37.5%
3316 1808 Jinhee Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver 32 - 29 52.5%
3317 1654 Drainerxr Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 424 - 442 49.0%
3321 1805 Böia Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms PvP Therapy 79 - 70 53.0%
3322 1492 Blindshots Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Evolving 62 - 60 50.8%
3329 1805 Liferqt Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Shõgun 21 - 21 50.0%
3330 79 Vramir Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost 1 - 10 9.1%
3332 1984 Heädache Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 37 - 27 57.8%
3334 1812 Chikasneff Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 22 - 14 61.1%
3334 1812 Devilmurdock Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Mirror Universe 33 - 33 50.0%
3334 1151 Naberius Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration GLØBÁL 12 - 12 50.0%
3334 1928 Callius Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution DñD 138 - 138 50.0%
3341 960 Sephix Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 10 - 2 83.3%
3343 1969 Scissione Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy PvP Therapy 137 - 115 54.4%
3344 1752 Ornsteyn Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc GladiuS 69 - 72 48.9%
3355 1991 Ironsin Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 689 - 679 50.4%
3357 1375 Kalazan Nemesis Horde Troll Male Death Knight Frost 19 - 35 35.2%
3358 1803 Bestemmiotto Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement PvP Therapy 37 - 29 56.1%
3361 1747 Kizø Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral PvP Therapy 60 - 59 50.4%
3367 703 Kairiday Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warlock Affliction 8 - 9 47.1%
3367 1816 Yôi Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Red Skulls 60 - 64 48.4%
3375 672 Balokko Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction TheDepleters 7 - 11 38.9%
3376 1803 Ultraboster Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury OldStyle 23 - 22 51.1%
3376 1981 Hydria Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Victory Rush 109 - 107 50.5%
3397 1744 Esrenel Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Valor 318 - 317 50.1%
3403 1687 Yoiidk Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy Red Skulls 24 - 27 47.1%
3405 1743 Gifix Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Jujutsu high 73 - 79 48.0%
3412 1978 Navarro Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Horde of Chaos 30 - 24 55.6%
3417 1804 Badbi Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 27 - 15 64.3%
3426 954 Shotman Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 10 - 14 41.7%
3431 1940 Dwint Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury CAFONI 221 - 219 50.2%
3434 1739 Mavérìk Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 54 - 56 49.1%
3436 944 Tramaiz Nemesis Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 15 - 26 36.6%
3436 1635 Nât Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Culto del Verme Nero 20 - 16 55.6%
3438 1986 Disciplinne Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 161 - 139 53.7%
3438 1986 Blackmaister Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Dark Brotherhøod 30 - 11 73.2%
3444 1238 Shottosamuxd Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction OldStyle 13 - 11 54.2%
3448 1237 Xoregar Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 13 - 17 43.3%
3454 714 Rixrog Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Assassination 9 - 13 40.9%
3455 1647 Floy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Pirates of Scarlet Moon 35 - 33 51.5%
3455 1684 Krokhut Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Unholy IO CANEH 41 - 35 53.9%
3456 1735 Shaleth Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 75 - 84 47.2%
3457 1793 Craisaz Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 25 - 23 52.1%
3457 1467 Leothas Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Outlaw 24 - 36 40.0%
3460 1340 Alastoras Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost OldStyle 14 - 22 38.9%
3462 1974 Eksah Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Evox 115 - 108 51.6%
3462 864 Ôfflìne Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Female Hunter Survival 9 - 3 75.0%
3462 864 Trollale Nemesis Horde Troll Male Hunter Survival Shattered 9 - 15 37.5%
3466 672 Aomame Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Mythic Raiders 7 - 11 38.9%
3466 672 Ieftovers Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Outlaw 7 - 5 58.3%
3468 1633 Eddington Nemesis Horde Undead Male Hunter Beast Mastery Vengeance 22 - 26 45.8%
3472 1733 Planß Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc THE HEROES 43 - 46 48.3%
3476 1807 Cocorido Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Topi 233 - 224 51.0%
3491 1957 Zelhis Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy Black God 64 - 64 50.0%
3493 1631 Deianira Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship Chaos Bringers 39 - 38 50.6%
3493 1631 Shotman Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship 30 - 45 40.0%
3496 1791 Smøø Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Dojo 29 - 19 60.4%
3499 1583 Trollurgame Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation PvP Therapy 34 - 43 44.2%
3510 1789 Trenaddict Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Cinderborn 238 - 231 50.7%
3513 1326 Monori Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost 16 - 14 53.3%
3518 1324 Anthorun Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 14 - 16 46.7%
3519 1637 Autisma Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 140 - 154 47.6%
3522 1266 Calcide Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 22 - 26 45.8%
3532 863 Coffeenjoint Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Prø Returns 9 - 9 50.0%
3533 1787 Indiziato Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 146 - 137 51.6%
3534 1608 Zaulextrasza Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Augmentation IgnorHunters 45 - 33 57.7%
3544 1834 Matsûra Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 電願意番 22 - 12 64.7%
3553 1024 Mocci Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Draken Fang 12 - 4 75.0%
3563 1018 Abduloabbadi Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Ancient Dark Legends 12 - 14 46.2%
3572 576 Ròledy Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology PvP Therapy 6 - 6 50.0%
3572 576 Vhentyr Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Nemitici Plus 6 - 6 50.0%
3572 576 Bloodyaldin Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction 6 - 18 25.0%
3585 1370 Chiappedoro Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 16 - 20 44.4%
3585 1632 Philit Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Shaman Restoration 39 - 51 43.3%
3586 1626 Tramaiz Nemesis Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship 61 - 75 44.9%
3586 1626 Ryù Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Hunter Beast Mastery Shõgun 26 - 16 61.9%
3588 1674 Kogorok Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy FOR THE WAR 75 - 73 50.7%
3595 1771 Durkuza Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental 72 - 60 54.5%
3596 1719 Storr Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Red Skulls 400 - 390 50.6%
3597 1777 Fiyma Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 33 - 38 46.5%
3599 1604 Ryujbreath Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation DragonLance 47 - 37 56.0%
3599 784 Drëw Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 9 - 4 69.2%
3601 768 Asløg Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Female Hunter Survival BØRN TO GANK 8 - 22 26.7%
3604 1625 Drëw Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 69 - 63 52.3%
3605 1712 Maledict Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 53 - 55 49.1%
3608 1798 Reichi Nemesis Horde Vulpera Male Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 147 - 132 52.7%
3611 1718 Miciogatto Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance Pirates of Scarlet Moon 84 - 102 45.2%
3614 1776 Xanesh Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 37 - 40 48.1%
3615 1227 Varekay Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Holy 13 - 22 37.1%
3619 1782 Moknar Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Arms Vengeance 72 - 78 48.0%
3622 1353 Rockydacocky Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance We Yarr Pirates 43 - 47 47.8%
3629 1764 Hexnotsex Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Enhancement Jolly Roger 61 - 53 53.5%
3634 1830 Aresqt Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 57 - 52 52.3%
3636 1433 Khàlifa Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety PvP Therapy 15 - 21 41.7%
3639 1628 Earl Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Dont Release 51 - 75 40.5%
3645 640 Alucarl Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Rogue Assassination Red Skulls 7 - 21 25.0%
3654 1622 Skädi Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Marksmanship 25 - 29 46.3%
3656 96 Pisser Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost 1 - 11 8.3%
3656 96 Aleìster Nemesis Horde Nightborne Male Mage Arcane Disaster League 1 - 11 8.3%
3656 96 Echimon Nemesis Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Evolving 1 - 5 16.7%
3666 1758 Prysis Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental PvP Therapy 125 - 127 49.6%
3666 1758 Porca Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 377 - 385 49.5%
3671 1183 Voidmonster Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Red Skulls 13 - 21 38.2%
3672 957 Genkurò Nemesis Horde Vulpera Male Shaman Elemental Master of Kyuubi 10 - 20 33.3%
3678 1175 Hipnotika Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 18 - 45 28.6%
3680 1766 Madbracco Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker From Zero 26 - 22 54.2%
3681 576 Sivh Nemesis Horde Nightborne Female Rogue Subtlety Novilunium 6 - 6 50.0%
3681 576 Kaffy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 6 - 12 33.3%
3682 1803 Abhel Nemesis Horde Troll Female Warlock Destruction Pirates of Scarlet Moon 94 - 87 51.9%
3688 1942 Phiona Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy Shõgun 123 - 107 53.5%
3690 1767 Yunhalesca Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow 37 - 35 51.4%
3693 1532 Grasmul Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation italian legend 90 - 116 43.7%
3700 1752 Kaff Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 55 - 41 57.3%
3704 1787 Wandre Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 46 - 54 46.0%
3710 1955 Fìsk Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Pirates of Scarlet Moon 48 - 49 49.5%
3714 1750 Burash Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 33 - 34 49.3%
3714 1786 Scærlett Nemesis Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 66 - 70 48.5%
3724 893 Zartaan Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental AVIA PERVIA 10 - 24 29.4%
3725 1618 Porkakkia Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Flag Down 64 - 68 48.5%
3727 1826 Getcracker Nemesis Horde Orc Male Mage Frost Valor 147 - 131 52.9%
3731 864 Stòrmageddon Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 9 - 13 40.9%
3731 1055 Kwei Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 11 - 13 45.8%
3737 1895 Vart Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 54 - 38 58.7%
3737 1895 Solenascente Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution Marinai di Acqua Dolce 125 - 119 51.2%
3743 1800 Otnemillaf Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Pirates of Scarlet Moon 93 - 73 56.0%
3758 1911 Bobbythecow Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury 127 - 124 50.6%
3760 1618 Qualcøsaqt Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Enhancement BadCømpany 26 - 42 38.2%
3760 759 Olimipia Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Insiders 8 - 22 26.7%
3764 1622 Trücêklån Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration OldStyle 17 - 10 63.0%
3764 1589 Salubre Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 60 - 62 49.2%
3769 1799 Volareohoh Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Warlock Destruction 89 - 90 49.7%
3770 1910 Rertad Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Zero Percentile 128 - 114 52.9%
3770 1951 Hunteraccio Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Dojo 124 - 129 49.0%
3773 1935 Xenna Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 37 - 26 58.7%
3774 522 Dotexecya Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Demonology Alliance Defender 7 - 8 46.7%
3778 1141 Rosh Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Priest Holy PvP Therapy 12 - 24 33.3%
3783 1140 Calor Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Discipline 12 - 6 66.7%
3783 1140 Bloodreyna Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Holy The Rebels 36 - 71 33.6%
3785 480 Capezzoleiro Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction 5 - 1 83.3%
3788 1658 Chainsaw Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy La Giungla 204 - 209 49.4%
3788 1299 Kemprecos Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance DñD 21 - 33 38.9%
3789 1890 Shadowmöses Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Red Skulls 159 - 147 52.0%
3793 1824 Raskiom Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost Zero Percentile 74 - 74 50.0%
3793 1824 Hìzer Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 45 - 49 47.9%
3797 1777 Madbracco Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker From Zero 41 - 32 56.2%
3798 1585 Lòllo Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation PvP Therapy 53 - 69 43.4%
3829 1687 Rëy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 72 - 72 50.0%
3832 1823 Lookathis Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost 30 - 42 41.7%
3837 1746 Nightheals Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow 23 - 25 47.9%
3838 1488 Lathliss Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Timballo e Arrosticini 45 - 51 46.9%
3839 1612 Megaearth Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 23 - 30 43.4%
3843 1945 Dregor Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery CC Breakers 24 - 8 75.0%
3849 1744 Pownyou Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Shadow Legione Elvetica 20 - 16 55.6%
3849 1481 Tyranne Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 29 - 49 37.2%
3856 1730 Fracosta Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Vengeance 48 - 55 46.6%
3856 1789 Alyssià Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 27 - 23 54.0%
3858 1929 Piedesporco Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy 72 - 51 58.5%
3858 1929 Daÿan Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution PvP Therapy 336 - 312 51.9%
3867 1683 Dizaster Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 80 - 74 51.9%
3870 1472 Abraxion Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 42 - 42 50.0%
3871 1753 Crisax Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury 69 - 72 48.9%
3872 810 Ysosìck Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental 10 - 11 47.6%
3875 1610 Redbullo Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Restoration 26 - 34 43.3%
3876 1752 Billybàllo Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Fury 25 - 23 52.1%
3877 1682 Ortain Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 152 - 154 49.7%
3879 1956 Jesonx Nemesis Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline The Sons of Kronos 730 - 764 48.9%
3882 1054 Ãria Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Night Wish 11 - 13 45.8%
3892 780 Siiuh Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Dark Templars 9 - 13 40.9%
3893 768 Shagab Nemesis Alliance Kul Tiran Male Shaman Elemental OldStyle 8 - 10 44.4%
3899 1925 Làrkin Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Hans Landa Crew 133 - 122 52.2%
3899 1882 Ðragon Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy From Zero 298 - 296 50.2%
3901 1246 Mushröøms Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 26 - 44 37.1%
3908 1453 Failscale Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 29 - 40 42.0%
3919 1746 Zuha Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms PvP Therapy 42 - 54 43.8%
3921 496 Kiky Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Rock n LoL 6 - 7 46.2%
3924 480 Shaðowstep Nemesis Alliance Human Male Rogue Subtlety 5 - 19 20.8%
3924 480 Forthegog Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 5 - 7 41.7%
3924 480 Rõger Nemesis Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw AVIA PERVIA 5 - 7 41.7%
3928 1610 Sofypipa Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 43 - 59 42.2%
3928 1676 Shadyblondy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Overdrive 298 - 286 51.0%
3934 1146 Gexxo Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Tempus Fugìt 42 - 50 45.7%
3941 1878 Thoradus Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Sacra Iustitia 226 - 232 49.3%
3945 1369 Incensurato Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety 16 - 32 33.3%
3947 671 Trollo Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship lord of darknes 7 - 17 29.2%
3950 1437 Karisha Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 28 - 35 44.4%
3956 1647 Griffen Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 21 - 14 60.0%
3956 1730 Thalandriel Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 30 - 18 62.5%
3957 1608 Gango Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration Non solo Schiaffi 26 - 50 34.2%
3970 1760 Hanzou Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Mistweaver 24 - 24 50.0%
3975 1759 Onetwo Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 36 - 53 40.4%
3975 1759 Gipfeli Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 30 - 45 40.0%
3984 1934 Rogur Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery From Zero 60 - 59 50.4%
3984 1763 Maddne Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination Glorious PK Team 98 - 112 46.7%
3985 1710 Toxicnux Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 22 - 20 52.4%
3991 1737 Shafir Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 38 - 46 45.2%
3993 1725 Zerovision Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 21 - 9 70.0%
3998 864 Malandante Nemesis Horde Troll Male Warlock Destruction PvP Therapy 9 - 21 30.0%
4008 1760 Rakiza Nemesis Alliance Human Female Rogue Subtlety OldStyle 393 - 394 49.9%
4009 1872 Nilab Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution Overdrive 27 - 14 65.9%
4009 1932 Inseminetor Nemesis Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery IO CANEH 79 - 68 53.7%
4011 1353 Marghøt Nemesis Horde Undead Female Rogue Subtlety 31 - 59 34.4%
4015 576 Bota Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 6 - 0 100.0%
4028 1765 Azthral Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 207 - 213 49.3%
4033 1665 Zæro Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Evolving 290 - 314 48.0%
4035 1555 Redwing Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Alcova 62 - 77 44.6%
4035 1555 Bigalue Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 23 - 25 47.9%
4035 1069 Leonate Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost Pirates of Scarlet Moon 13 - 22 37.1%
4038 1600 Dazzs Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Nemitici Plus 71 - 76 48.3%
4042 1056 Vòrpal Nemesis Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost PvP Therapy 11 - 7 61.1%
4042 1753 Seoi Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Windwalker PvP Therapy 189 - 186 50.4%
4050 1890 Thefällen Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Unreal 35 - 25 58.3%
4052 1754 Parädox Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination PvP Therapy 23 - 31 42.6%
4064 1600 Eneadisparta Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship Non solo Schiaffi 133 - 154 46.3%
4068 672 Lìlith Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 7 - 17 29.2%
4069 1055 Sokren Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost 11 - 13 45.8%
4070 1662 Soox Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc I SenzaMani 36 - 42 46.2%
4079 1550 Alinalopez Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation G R A F T A L 36 - 36 50.0%
4084 1549 Blavoker Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 27 - 26 50.9%
4091 1381 Bewd Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 44 - 57 43.6%
4097 1335 Çhïkåøntøwn Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination OldStyle 15 - 13 53.6%
4099 1943 Sàint Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 48 - 48 50.0%
4104 1672 Nla Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Zero Percentile 41 - 28 59.4%
4105 1909 Keyca Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution OldStyle 20 - 4 83.3%
4107 1150 Nla Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Zero Percentile 12 - 12 50.0%
4107 1150 Incont Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Blaze of Glory 19 - 35 35.2%
4108 864 Kaffàe Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow Cursed 9 - 3 75.0%
4126 1148 Natur Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Guardian 18 - 48 27.3%
4127 1744 Bleiser Nemesis Horde Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Alcova 93 - 85 52.2%
4130 1708 Blakexy Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow 26 - 28 48.1%
4130 1923 Razar Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Shõgun 87 - 83 51.2%
4134 1049 Revanx Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Straw Hat Pirates 11 - 25 30.6%
4142 1635 Artak Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Naga Stole my Bike 44 - 33 57.1%
4143 1743 Rëmì Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination OldStyle 97 - 98 49.7%
4150 1862 Eldegarda Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution 174 - 156 52.7%
4157 1654 Blakeh Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 105 - 105 50.0%
4157 1718 Rertad Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury Zero Percentile 140 - 148 48.6%
4171 1938 Pezzarra Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline OldStyle 156 - 129 54.7%
4172 863 Rosabruna Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 11 - 13 45.8%
4181 1738 Shako Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker Eternal Whispers 95 - 95 50.0%
4183 1003 Legione Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost Draken Fang 13 - 36 26.5%
4202 1588 Shiieet Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Pepetti n frenz 64 - 76 45.7%
4204 1534 Dulcago Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation The Rebels 110 - 98 52.9%
4210 1111 Velalyn Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 24 - 42 36.4%
4210 854 Nayl Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline Vengeance 9 - 33 21.4%
4211 1661 Nøk Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Balance Sacred Souls 284 - 270 51.3%
4219 1533 Bamboccione Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Dark Templars 60 - 58 50.8%
4220 384 Mattec Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 4 - 2 66.7%
4220 384 Ryoshi Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Outlaw The Walking Of Dead 4 - 26 13.3%
4220 384 Ezia Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 4 - 8 33.3%
4220 384 Razaroph Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Opportunisti 4 - 2 66.7%
4225 1646 Albidh Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 65 - 65 50.0%
4230 1091 Greybull Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 20 - 44 31.3%
4236 768 Alentissar Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow The Dusty Nerd 8 - 16 33.3%
4236 768 Maerlene Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 8 - 10 44.4%
4237 1733 Säsori Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 80 - 82 49.4%
4237 1734 Kamehamekite Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 69 - 63 52.3%
4237 1738 Xoregar Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 53 - 41 56.4%
4238 1531 Jekìn Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Shõgun 90 - 87 50.8%
4242 1709 Hørror Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Arms PvP Therapy 87 - 103 45.8%
4244 1900 Kuroilmain Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy Silver Legion 32 - 16 66.7%
4249 1583 Kherzaan Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral TheDepleters 115 - 105 52.3%
4249 1583 Enmha Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Guardian Sacred Souls 27 - 61 30.7%
4275 1577 Formagino Nemesis Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Restoration 34 - 35 49.3%
4277 1727 Lermiuz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 259 - 248 51.1%
4278 959 Maveath Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Pls Dont Leap Me 10 - 14 41.7%
4278 959 Scortapolli Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost 10 - 8 55.6%
4288 1910 Diazepam Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery PvP Therapy 155 - 161 49.1%
4288 607 Royjester Nemesis Horde Troll Male Shaman Enhancement 7 - 13 35.0%
4290 1288 Lermiuz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 14 - 22 38.9%
4290 1731 Kudasai Nemesis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 42 - 58 42.0%
4300 576 Rhuuegar Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement 6 - 12 33.3%
4300 576 Rether Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Elemental 6 - 12 33.3%
4303 1730 Elyráx Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver PvP Therapy 132 - 128 50.8%
4304 1665 Kappàxd Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 36 - 34 51.4%
4310 367 Sud Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction 5 - 12 29.4%
4313 1572 Shrakar Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration 20 - 16 55.6%
4317 1636 Bisbeth Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc OldStyle 83 - 78 51.6%
4318 958 Kaidou Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 10 - 20 33.3%
4324 1625 Chlamydiä Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 35 - 30 53.8%
4328 767 Zelian Nemesis Horde Troll Female Priest Discipline Draken Fang 8 - 10 44.4%
4330 767 Satàna Nemesis Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 8 - 17 32.0%
4339 1721 Dune Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 49 - 39 55.7%
4339 1721 Sephys Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 18 - 18 50.0%
4344 1894 Ðesty Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Middle 378 - 361 51.2%
4344 1634 Lightblood Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 83 - 83 50.0%
4350 1686 Touchoflerm Nemesis Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 20 - 22 47.6%
4351 288 Muzzithecat Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 3 - 9 25.0%
4351 288 Alyssià Nemesis Alliance Human Female Warlock Affliction 3 - 3 50.0%
4351 288 Worldgorger Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction PvP Therapy 3 - 3 50.0%
4370 1850 Raskio Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Protection Zero Percentile 31 - 29 51.7%
4390 1232 Alinalopez Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation G R A F T A L 13 - 11 54.2%
4393 1716 Cut Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination PvP Therapy 19 - 10 65.5%
4393 1563 Derel Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration RedDevils 32 - 33 49.2%
4395 1226 Oðin Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Sacred Souls 71 - 89 44.4%
4398 1514 Sborrocop Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Abuso di Potere 469 - 472 49.8%
4403 1620 Kradier Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood 34 - 35 49.3%
4404 1562 Savvuxx Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 36 - 30 54.5%
4405 1867 Vixx Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury Jujutsu high 44 - 40 52.4%
4406 1513 Varkol Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 30 - 46 39.5%
4415 960 Alessàsavage Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral TheDepleters 10 - 8 55.6%
4419 1189 Sargatanas Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Over The Top 15 - 25 37.5%
4433 672 Sintrax Nemesis Alliance Human Male Warlock Demonology CdS Reborn 7 - 11 38.9%
4454 1565 Bendieci Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance PvP Therapy 26 - 33 44.1%
4455 1864 Mooraglia Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury Roll it For the Horde 137 - 137 50.0%
4458 1922 Beliär Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow 158 - 131 54.7%
4475 426 Avazayin Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Hunter Survival Nemitici Plus 6 - 14 30.0%
4479 1617 Vesuvio Nemesis Horde Troll Male Death Knight Blood 112 - 92 54.9%
4479 959 Vùlcànò Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Balance TheDepleters 11 - 16 40.7%
4483 1672 Esméralda Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Monk Windwalker Draken Fang 28 - 44 38.9%
4488 1705 Fnz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Raekonomnomn 18 - 12 60.0%
4495 1560 Alatil Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship OldStyle 23 - 30 43.4%
4497 1561 Venyrdruid Nemesis Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Restoration Vecchi Barbari 26 - 52 33.3%
4499 1233 Aureum Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Subtlety 15 - 33 31.3%
4504 384 Coltan Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 2 66.7%
4504 384 Claudiensh Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival Ri Mastered 4 - 8 33.3%
4504 384 Aìmbott Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery Vengeance 4 - 8 33.3%
4504 384 Pøpìxøxø Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 4 - 2 66.7%
4504 384 Mìrilass Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 4 - 2 66.7%
4508 1135 Ygneel Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 12 - 18 40.0%
4512 1669 Chamfer Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker Over The Top 33 - 51 39.3%
4513 1682 Soldino Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury OldStyle 23 - 19 54.8%
4513 1682 Ioans Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Female Warrior Arms no flame ofc 50 - 32 61.0%
4517 1617 Ðevillol Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 98 - 84 53.8%
4517 1228 Garriw Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Subtlety 14 - 13 51.9%
4519 1549 Pizzasho Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration OldStyle 17 - 19 47.2%
4521 1627 Åzuma Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement PvP Therapy 23 - 37 38.3%
4523 1681 Buly Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Pirates of Scarlet Moon 50 - 68 42.4%
4525 330 Horìl Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw M O N A R K 7 - 10 41.2%
4529 1803 Jekìnerk Nemesis Alliance Human Female Mage Frost Collected Company 73 - 73 50.0%
4545 1859 Arancini Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury SantiSSima Chiesa 61 - 62 49.6%
4545 1859 Irithian Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Warrior Fury 53 - 49 52.0%
4554 1556 Crønø Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 100 - 99 50.3%
4557 1497 Eldrake Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation PvP Therapy 104 - 100 51.0%
4560 288 Dezmarko Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Outlaw Lupi del Nord 3 - 3 50.0%
4560 288 Efexor Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Mythic Reaper 3 - 27 10.0%
4560 288 Ilykes Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination TheDepleters 3 - 15 16.7%
4569 1708 Brewtality Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Monk Windwalker Depleters 196 - 200 49.5%
4583 1610 Demonsushi Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc PvP Therapy 121 - 98 55.3%
4583 1857 Unrootable Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Warrior Fury PvP Therapy 62 - 51 54.9%
4587 1877 Recalio Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Paladin Holy CdS Reborn 66 - 66 50.0%
4588 1915 Luxurygirl Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline Zero Percentile 42 - 24 63.6%
4597 1698 Mikoshi Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Destruction Nøx 34 - 38 47.2%
4597 880 Praymë Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration OldStyle 10 - 9 52.6%
4603 870 Aleyster Nemesis Alliance Worgen Male Druid Guardian Theramore 30 - 64 31.9%
4604 1876 Kynkong Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy La Cava 135 - 133 50.4%
4605 864 Blakexyy Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Blood Promise 9 - 15 37.5%
4615 1548 Carpante Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery Shà Dong 66 - 84 44.0%
4617 576 Rachète Nemesis Alliance Gnome Female Priest Discipline Celestial Angels 6 - 12 33.3%
4625 1053 Helpfulbunny Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Marinai di Acqua Dolce 11 - 13 45.8%
4627 1913 Wojty Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 232 - 228 50.4%
4631 1702 Seeyoulater Nemesis Horde Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver OldStyle 43 - 35 55.1%
4633 1883 Wook Nemesis Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 134 - 136 49.6%
4640 1610 Bestiaccia Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Unholy Timballo e Arrosticini 465 - 480 49.2%
4651 1873 Shadyholy Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Pirates of Scarlet Moon 96 - 83 53.6%
4653 1612 Shammyroquai Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 71 - 97 42.3%
4656 1041 Fuègo Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 11 - 19 36.7%
4667 1483 Bagaris Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation OMENS 336 - 376 47.2%
4670 591 Sottone Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Destruction Zero Percentile 7 - 10 41.2%
4672 576 Abhel Nemesis Horde Troll Female Warlock Destruction Pirates of Scarlet Moon 6 - 6 50.0%
4672 576 Igokar Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction The Good Fellas 6 - 6 50.0%
4679 1880 Mikandrax Nemesis Alliance Human Female Hunter Beast Mastery Draken Fang 64 - 47 57.7%
4681 1699 Kej Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 19 - 14 57.6%
4681 1650 Alycè Nemesis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 22 - 24 47.8%
4682 1608 Otsdàrva Nemesis Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy OldStyle 77 - 73 51.3%
4684 1690 Âgla Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Affliction 19 - 7 73.1%
4689 1541 Jigsaw Nemesis Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship PvP Therapy 93 - 112 45.4%
4691 192 Mercie Nemesis Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology Valor 2 - 4 33.3%
4693 1835 Webionda Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Sinbreakers 64 - 46 58.2%
4698 1870 Palladiuss Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 84 - 90 48.3%
4699 1683 Rikimare Nemesis Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 89 - 97 47.8%
4702 1909 Lylrea Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 60 - 41 59.4%
4707 1150 Mædras Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 13 - 8 61.9%
4709 1662 Blàckster Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warrior Arms Nocturnal Animals 84 - 75 52.8%
4710 1877 Eleonoræ Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery OldStyle 54 - 53 50.5%
4718 1686 Noytan Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Destruction Project One 22 - 14 61.1%
4728 1646 Loabalboa Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Monk Windwalker 238 - 228 51.1%
4729 1529 Ørcozio Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration Vengeance 2619 - 2845 47.9%
4731 1619 Starlørd Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Balance Istituto Summa 51 - 51 50.0%
4735 959 Dragonhelper Nemesis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation TheDepleters 10 - 26 27.8%
4738 1799 Enkin Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Frost OldStyle 149 - 129 53.6%
4745 1618 Blàckstórm Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral OMENS 97 - 110 46.9%
4753 1833 Hellig Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Red Skulls 165 - 151 52.2%
4765 1594 Arcuriel Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 70 - 81 46.4%
4769 861 Murenito Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 9 - 9 50.0%
4778 1872 Lightshot Nemesis Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery Vengeance 20 - 16 55.6%
4779 1866 Palike Nemesis Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Holy OldStyle 205 - 203 50.2%
4781 1592 Tonfix Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc La Giungla 633 - 642 49.6%
4784 1136 Stronzah Nemesis Horde Undead Female Rogue Subtlety I Simboli Simbolici 27 - 39 40.9%
4794 1865 Kyndmryn Nemesis Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy Past Midnight 176 - 166 51.5%
4799 1534 Shaleth Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 52 - 55 48.6%
4803 1831 Earthikkius Nemesis Alliance Earthen Male Paladin Retribution 144 - 133 52.0%
4822 479 Màvérìck Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental The Rebels 5 - 13 27.8%
4826 768 Breiver Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance OldStyle 8 - 10 44.4%
4843 1611 Räzz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 20 - 29 40.8%
4845 1577 Shamaurø Nemesis Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Restoration I Figli Della Merda 30 - 53 36.1%
4847 1788 Smilemore Nemesis Horde Undead Male Mage Frost PvP Therapy 104 - 105 49.8%
4847 288 Forthgog Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Draken Fang 3 - 9 25.0%
4851 1618 Migraine Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow PvP Therapy 54 - 52 50.9%
4856 1599 Mortauren Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Unholy PvP Therapy 37 - 35 51.4%
4860 1085 Khulo Nemesis Alliance Human Male Rogue Subtlety Legione LewoPh 12 - 29 29.3%
4860 1901 Nevor Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Vengeance 368 - 359 50.6%
4862 1685 Covidheal Nemesis Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 21 - 23 47.7%
4876 1513 Loknal Nemesis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration PvP Therapy 19 - 22 46.3%
4881 1597 Badromance Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost GreedyGolds 151 - 158 48.9%
4881 528 Priestvativo Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Holy OldStyle 7 - 2 77.8%
4881 1609 Rasputìn Nemesis Horde Troll Male Druid Feral no flame ofc 18 - 24 42.9%
4882 1647 Nímera Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Fury OldStyle 21 - 26 44.7%
4886 1859 Wøllerina Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy 36 - 33 52.2%
4886 1859 Tyrael Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy 353 - 333 51.5%
4887 384 Fracosta Nemesis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental Vengeance 4 - 8 33.3%
4887 384 Magicoo Nemesis Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration TimeWalkers 4 - 8 33.3%
4888 1056 Killmeplzz Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination 11 - 13 45.8%
4889 1844 Stix Nemesis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 55 - 57 49.1%
4894 672 Marwyn Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 7 - 5 58.3%
4894 672 Spaccategole Nemesis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 7 - 11 38.9%
4900 1630 Earthien Nemesis Alliance Earthen Male Monk Windwalker 28 - 30 48.3%
4901 1662 Razaroph Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Opportunisti 112 - 129 46.5%
4907 1613 Kyrä Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Holy OldStyle 129 - 123 51.2%
4908 1523 Starpolar Nemesis Horde Tauren Female Druid Restoration PvP Therapy 26 - 38 40.6%
4910 1661 Kìmèrà Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 96 - 92 51.1%
4913 480 Biancachioma Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Holy Just Chilling 5 - 1 83.3%
4913 480 Ghostfly Nemesis Horde Undead Female Priest Holy 5 - 13 27.8%
4913 480 Dolphi Nemesis Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline PvP Therapy 5 - 7 41.7%
4916 1629 Bayle Nemesis Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker 17 - 7 70.8%
4930 223 Shadøwstep Nemesis Horde Pandaren Female Rogue Subtlety 3 - 5 37.5%
4932 1628 Razzx Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 38 - 44 46.3%
4933 862 Mostrodeform Nemesis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 9 - 15 37.5%
4935 1643 Ignorebrain Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warrior Arms PvP Therapy 33 - 45 42.3%
4938 192 Voidblade Nemesis Alliance Void Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 2 - 4 33.3%
4938 192 Aeonnflux Nemesis Horde Orc Male Rogue Assassination PvP Therapy 2 - 4 33.3%
4938 192 Ketamas Nemesis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Rogue Assassination Above Average 2 - 4 33.3%
4938 192 Mezzabbìra Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Outlaw 2 - 4 33.3%
4942 1666 Anamelach Nemesis Alliance Draenei Male Warlock Affliction 68 - 81 45.6%
4947 1592 Monori Nemesis Horde Blood Elf Female Death Knight Frost 20 - 21 48.8%
4948 1518 Anjeschka Nemesis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 16 - 14 53.3%
4954 1591 Anthorun Nemesis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 50 - 54 48.1%
4954 1591 Apocalissee Nemesis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 26 - 23 53.1%
4957 1855 Jekínerk Nemesis Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Shõgun 74 - 64 53.6%
4959 1607 Mavya Nemesis Alliance Human Female Priest Discipline Culto del Verme Nero 80 - 85 48.5%
4963 767 Tersha Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Balance PvP Therapy 8 - 10 44.4%
4964 1641 Irathius Nemesis Horde Undead Male Warrior Arms 28 - 32 46.7%
4966 1517 Wolwerinæ Nemesis Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration 42 - 77 35.3%
4979 1049 Rakavolvero Nemesis Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 32 - 50 39.0%
4980 96 Ziopino Nemesis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 1 - 5 16.7%
4980 96 Drakenrahl Nemesis Horde Orc Female Warlock Affliction 1 - 17 5.6%
4983 1515 Sharukhan Nemesis Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration 68 - 74 47.9%

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).