Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Sinstralis EU Solo Shuffle

98 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
125 2480 Deny Sinstralis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 543 - 507 51.7%
347 576 Dragûle Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost Sombre Présage 6 - 0 100.0%
353 2107 Neoz Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost The Jarls of Valhalla 107 - 97 52.5%
377 2315 Dosidos Sinstralis Horde Tauren Male Paladin Holy Sombre Présage 74 - 51 59.2%
443 2147 Anitamaxwynn Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker 138 - 107 56.3%
466 2115 Vên Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 53 - 27 66.3%
475 2111 Yeet Sinstralis Alliance Human Male Warrior Arms Too much for you 52 - 43 54.7%
496 288 Rhaenyrat Sinstralis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 3 - 3 50.0%
496 288 Souffle Sinstralis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation The Last Poney 3 - 3 50.0%
508 288 Shöwgun Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Blood Mémories 3 - 9 25.0%
544 288 Mørø Sinstralis Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Retribution 3 - 3 50.0%
619 192 Jaqui Sinstralis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Arms Les Gangrebraguettes 2 - 4 33.3%
661 1989 Mooshî Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance THUGZ 282 - 263 51.7%
664 1948 Dragûle Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Frost Sombre Présage 46 - 32 59.0%
1036 1982 Vën Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 37 - 29 56.1%
1097 1858 Öyama Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Sombre Présage 32 - 22 59.3%
1144 1239 Nezousta Sinstralis Alliance Draenei Female Mage Fire Worth It 13 - 19 40.6%
1154 2022 Noluzz Sinstralis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Shaman Elemental Dynamics Evolution 134 - 94 58.8%
1169 2108 Bøyka Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Les Juges de Destruction 291 - 268 52.1%
1222 1112 Arden Sinstralis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost O N E B L O O D 54 - 70 43.5%
1230 1830 Ragnas Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Too much for you 26 - 16 61.9%
1236 1922 Oristal Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 22 - 20 52.4%
1316 1835 Euphøria Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 30 - 30 50.0%
1328 959 Liya Sinstralis Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Fire Les legendes de Wow 10 - 14 41.7%
1375 2004 Scàrface Sinstralis Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Les Anonymes 469 - 448 51.1%
1417 2065 Côrtex Sinstralis Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury Æterna 327 - 309 51.4%
1446 1816 Brewings Sinstralis Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 91 - 93 49.5%
1590 1805 Joorkän Sinstralis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation PFL Europe 239 - 208 53.5%
1710 1817 Pøûyk Sinstralis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 27 - 23 54.0%
1764 1776 Norajeuh Sinstralis Horde Tauren Male Shaman Restoration Ascensiøn 216 - 228 48.6%
1849 2006 Finérond Sinstralis Alliance Void Elf Male Warrior Fury Le Clan Stonewood 49 - 40 55.1%
1861 1700 Howlymoly Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance WAR MØDE ON 29 - 37 43.9%
1940 1980 Abendaoo Sinstralis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 172 - 146 54.1%
1963 1978 Jockker Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Lopez Squad 90 - 88 50.6%
1974 1855 Mädam Sinstralis Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver Sanctuaire 78 - 62 55.7%
2061 1982 Xénàrøth Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury HamburgerFrite 72 - 47 60.5%
2128 2038 Jôuhana Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 61 - 40 60.4%
2143 1774 Shëitan Sinstralis Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 36 - 42 46.2%
2149 1716 Serven Sinstralis Horde Troll Male Hunter Marksmanship Hypophyse 72 - 74 49.3%
2173 1559 Osore Sinstralis Alliance Worgen Female Death Knight Frost eskenas 77 - 95 44.8%
2193 2022 Nära Sinstralis Horde Nightborne Female Priest Discipline 151 - 124 54.9%
2327 1825 Raksam Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 178 - 187 48.8%
2365 1803 Tichat Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Æterna 110 - 110 50.0%
2365 1940 Galahad Sinstralis Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution 49 - 44 52.7%
2368 1955 Bastykk Sinstralis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Warrior Fury Kappa Slarj 107 - 107 50.0%
2385 1595 Nihmey Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 22 - 24 47.8%
2502 1817 Syel Sinstralis Alliance Pandaren Female Warrior Protection Almost 21 - 21 50.0%
2554 1443 Kaisersoni Sinstralis Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction La Hanse Déchue 50 - 50 50.0%
2567 1665 Howlymoly Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance WAR MØDE ON 76 - 102 42.7%
2582 960 Falnnia Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 10 - 8 55.6%
2584 1992 Hädam Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Sanctuaire 108 - 84 56.3%
2727 1710 Jeancovid Sinstralis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy 77 - 73 51.3%
2745 96 Jeanray Sinstralis Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost La Grosse Guilde 1 - 5 16.7%
2750 1532 Dreylock Sinstralis Horde Undead Female Rogue Subtlety 48 - 60 44.4%
2837 1335 Zhagus Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Warlock Affliction O N E B L O O D 148 - 154 49.0%
2872 1905 Dracxx Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury Guild Of Renegades 103 - 86 54.5%
2873 1831 Lethimcøøk Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost 20 - 20 50.0%
2939 1828 Neird Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Under Control 30 - 24 55.6%
3046 960 Yuluk Sinstralis Horde Undead Male Hunter Survival 10 - 14 41.7%
3121 1623 Woldee Sinstralis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration and colleagues 55 - 78 41.4%
3138 1781 Anxiolh Sinstralis Horde Undead Female Warlock Destruction shÖO shOÖ 19 - 11 63.3%
3245 1698 Gorël Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 107 - 100 51.7%
3255 1733 Alïa Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Female Monk Windwalker 22 - 20 52.4%
3265 1755 Lindä Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Inferius 87 - 78 52.7%
3283 1855 Pianiste Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution shÖO shOÖ 71 - 60 54.2%
3311 1748 Kotchi Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Troudz 118 - 118 50.0%
3418 1411 Baretoi Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Subtlety Flammes de Kalimdor 18 - 18 50.0%
3514 1594 Gorël Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 43 - 47 47.8%
3556 1444 Pouletgwis Sinstralis Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 65 - 61 51.6%
3558 960 Alcäträz Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Blood 10 - 14 41.7%
3564 384 Yõchi Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety La septième compagnie 4 - 2 66.7%
3775 1681 Nihmey Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 109 - 104 51.2%
3802 1629 Seryu Sinstralis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Death Knight Unholy Stigmate 31 - 23 57.4%
3813 1323 Zdr Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety 88 - 98 47.3%
3822 1628 Miiti Sinstralis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Death Knight Unholy Stigmate 18 - 12 60.0%
3868 960 Ganette Sinstralis Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Sombre Présage 10 - 8 55.6%
3897 576 Ilinik Sinstralis Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Elemental 6 - 12 33.3%
3905 1695 Nihmz Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Mistweaver 77 - 77 50.0%
3918 1550 Risiko Sinstralis Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 160 - 170 48.5%
3929 1622 Fixx Sinstralis Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 40 - 39 50.6%
3937 1283 Baumann Sinstralis Horde Undead Female Rogue Subtlety PFL Europe 17 - 25 40.5%
4055 1851 Météoupala Sinstralis Alliance Dwarf Female Paladin Holy La Taverne des Potes 215 - 213 50.2%
4090 1623 Mooshî Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance THUGZ 41 - 49 45.6%
4112 1640 Tolweyn Sinstralis Alliance Draenei Female Priest Discipline Sanctuaire 71 - 79 47.3%
4151 1619 Krizss Sinstralis Alliance Worgen Female Druid Feral Cowabunga 38 - 34 52.8%
4177 1083 Thorhygos Sinstralis Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation 12 - 10 54.5%
4272 1650 Affinity Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology 48 - 53 47.5%
4298 1622 Ryukai Sinstralis Horde Undead Female Monk Windwalker O N E B L O O D 170 - 157 52.0%
4365 1618 Badiaga Sinstralis Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker 22 - 14 61.1%
4374 1654 Nnoïtra Sinstralis Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver 77 - 84 47.8%
4417 1804 Wayna Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Rune 46 - 32 59.0%
4570 1587 Serge Sinstralis Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy O N E B L O O D 74 - 70 51.4%
4767 192 Gütz Sinstralis Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Survival Echo Plus 2 - 4 33.3%
4811 1608 Opteme Sinstralis Horde Nightborne Female Warlock Affliction 23 - 36 39.0%
4864 384 Shadownonerf Sinstralis Horde Undead Female Warlock Destruction Judge 4 - 2 66.7%
4885 1559 Alcäträz Sinstralis Horde Orc Female Death Knight Blood 17 - 25 40.5%
4978 1564 Elmoumousse Sinstralis Horde Zandalari Troll Male Rogue Assassination 42 - 39 51.9%
4978 1811 Nolusab Sinstralis Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Holy Les Juges de Destruction 135 - 119 53.1%

Last updated 20 Jan 2025 13:08:03 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).