Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

The Sha'tar EU Solo Shuffle

48 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
5 2950 Words The Sha'tar Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 194 - 140 58.1%
301 2198 Tysonfury The Sha'tar Alliance Kul Tiran Male Rogue Outlaw GLHF 44 - 27 62.0%
467 2335 Dots The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 71 - 48 59.7%
750 192 Dromnay The Sha'tar Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms Hysteria 2 - 10 16.7%
784 1991 Vann The Sha'tar Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Obscure 243 - 217 52.8%
875 1967 Pumpkinspice The Sha'tar Horde Goblin Female Shaman Restoration Inkasso Booty Bay 36 - 24 60.0%
875 31 Çilgin The Sha'tar Alliance Dwarf Male Paladin Retribution D E A T H R O W 1 - 1 50.0%
993 1903 Umuligtahmed The Sha'tar Horde Orc Female Shaman Enhancement 35 - 31 53.0%
1111 1847 Spøngx The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw We Wack Nøbletz 39 - 38 50.6%
1145 1855 Izza The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Famous Last Try 57 - 55 50.9%
1161 2031 Cele The Sha'tar Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver Dark Glare 39 - 27 59.1%
1250 1326 Raze The Sha'tar Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane Zero to Hero 14 - 16 46.7%
1289 1408 Raze The Sha'tar Horde Undead Male Mage Arcane Zero to Hero 180 - 192 48.4%
1507 1777 Kidney The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Subtlety LEMON 30 - 24 55.6%
1596 1842 Deemondoo The Sha'tar Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Restoration 27 - 14 65.9%
1703 1826 Demarquise The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 27 - 14 65.9%
1709 1805 Kjelde The Sha'tar Horde Undead Male Death Knight Frost Dark Glare 54 - 67 44.6%
1730 1828 Moonspell The Sha'tar Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Balance 81 - 75 51.9%
1771 2077 Verinzo The Sha'tar Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution Horde Brotherhood 131 - 111 54.1%
1772 1770 Bernard The Sha'tar Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Holy 269 - 254 51.4%
1822 1757 Papazz The Sha'tar Horde Troll Male Priest Holy D E A T H R O W 126 - 113 52.7%
1863 1808 Deewandaa The Sha'tar Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 24 - 24 50.0%
2060 1835 Deepolumbo The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 25 - 21 54.3%
2305 1611 Yahaha The Sha'tar Alliance Earthen Female Shaman Elemental 17 - 19 47.2%
2313 1769 Zavi The Sha'tar Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 69 - 75 47.9%
2324 511 Azgor The Sha'tar Alliance Human Male Mage Arcane 6 - 14 30.0%
2431 1859 Deeshawnda The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Monk Mistweaver 24 - 12 66.7%
2572 1736 Griffy The Sha'tar Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Carpe Cerevisi 46 - 62 42.6%
2688 1624 Nasha The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Famous Last Try 17 - 13 56.7%
2729 1726 Nife The Sha'tar Alliance Kul Tiran Female Druid Restoration 225 - 251 47.3%
2823 1828 Deeaxäl The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Arms 30 - 24 55.6%
2827 1853 Deerounda The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction 31 - 25 55.4%
2963 1829 Deemarkus The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Rogue Assassination 29 - 19 60.4%
3090 1444 Taragoa The Sha'tar Horde Mag'har Orc Female Priest Discipline 140 - 153 47.8%
3122 1819 Yahaha The Sha'tar Alliance Earthen Female Shaman Elemental 98 - 96 50.5%
3225 2001 Johnfury The Sha'tar Alliance Kul Tiran Male Priest Discipline GLHF 60 - 54 52.6%
3313 768 Makima The Sha'tar Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Outlaw 8 - 10 44.4%
3564 1675 Narute The Sha'tar Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Blood 25 - 35 41.7%
3572 576 Talee The Sha'tar Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Demonology 6 - 12 33.3%
3594 1778 Laezon The Sha'tar Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker Nova Satus 25 - 35 41.7%
3598 1778 Papazz The Sha'tar Horde Troll Male Priest Holy D E A T H R O W 60 - 67 47.2%
3823 1613 Alvastis The Sha'tar Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Shaman Restoration 17 - 13 56.7%
3862 1822 Deepatrick The Sha'tar Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Mage Frost 23 - 22 51.1%
3885 1247 Kinaci The Sha'tar Horde Troll Male Druid Balance 13 - 17 43.3%
3925 1820 Myrmidons The Sha'tar Horde Tauren Male Mage Frost Famous Last Try 31 - 24 56.4%
4201 1880 Rends The Sha'tar Alliance Human Female Warrior Fury Honorbound 72 - 74 49.3%
4788 846 Dreamweave The Sha'tar Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Corpse Run 9 - 14 39.1%
4977 127 Hécate The Sha'tar Alliance Human Female Warlock Demonology Township Of Darkshire 2 - 12 14.3%

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).