Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Altar of Storms US Solo Shuffle

201 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
13 2802 Ejrs Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Mental Decay 92 - 47 66.2%
16 2786 Ejr Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Mental Decay 134 - 101 57.0%
37 2640 Dk Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Death Knight Unholy 129 - 88 59.4%
41 2690 Emmajane Altar of Storms Alliance Mechagnome Female Priest Shadow TTV EjrSP 79 - 51 60.8%
41 2525 Tiananmensq Altar of Storms Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Mage Fire Aero 164 - 125 56.7%
66 2594 Ignorance Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 160 - 96 62.5%
97 480 Groblenorf Altar of Storms Horde Pandaren Male Monk Brewmaster Hateful Gaze 5 - 13 27.8%
117 2508 Izanamí Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Shadow Mental Decay 199 - 176 53.1%
118 2507 Amaterasu Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Mental Decay 191 - 168 53.2%
140 2087 Gnomoguapo Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost The Censored Heroes 85 - 77 52.5%
162 2292 Guttural Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 634 - 613 50.8%
236 2221 Irunpeople Altar of Storms Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost Challenger Training Camp 119 - 98 54.8%
248 2200 Zordekai Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 1359 - 1339 50.4%
276 2335 Gnomoguapo Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost The Censored Heroes 148 - 128 53.6%
301 2103 Xsirhallinan Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Bloodties 100 - 83 54.6%
322 1879 Lolan Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Mage Fire Bloodties 74 - 63 54.0%
363 2143 Trew Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy 43 - 35 55.1%
388 847 Wesyraxes Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Serendipia 9 - 8 52.9%
401 1923 Gnomoguapo Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Mage Frost The Censored Heroes 263 - 264 49.9%
446 2222 Bloodylegend Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination Krysis 311 - 299 51.0%
475 2240 Shacewoman Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Pandaren Death Metal 505 - 476 51.5%
482 480 Xjudge Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Bloodties 5 - 7 41.7%
485 2097 Duheals Altar of Storms Alliance Dwarf Male Shaman Restoration 300 - 279 51.8%
515 2195 Alibaba Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination The Censored Heroes 135 - 111 54.9%
540 1766 Ebk Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Fire I L L U M I N U S 109 - 122 47.2%
541 2249 Okole Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Retribution ILL NASTY 254 - 225 53.0%
551 1756 Tiananmensq Altar of Storms Alliance Lightforged Draenei Male Mage Fire Aero 19 - 10 65.5%
569 2060 Shacewoman Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Pandaren Death Metal 571 - 578 49.7%
613 2038 Ishnuala Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance CEO Slayaz 66 - 44 60.0%
615 2157 Aphobia Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Mental Decay 58 - 39 59.8%
678 288 Atthegates Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Assorted Doom 3 - 3 50.0%
731 2011 Irunpeople Altar of Storms Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost Challenger Training Camp 55 - 44 55.6%
731 1916 Akfortiseven Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Hunter Survival 43 - 50 46.2%
733 2089 Keqing Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral YEAH THAT NASTY 106 - 86 55.2%
762 2203 Cupcake Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 137 - 119 53.5%
773 1962 Prickton Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction 43 - 38 53.1%
795 2065 Nerfww Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver never give up 195 - 189 50.8%
797 1975 Tickman Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration War and Thunder 148 - 145 50.5%
884 1863 Xsirhallinan Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Bloodties 51 - 49 51.0%
903 2225 Palaphobia Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Mental Decay 117 - 106 52.5%
906 2066 Msftw Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Warrior Arms Krysis 97 - 83 53.9%
940 2107 Zaydax Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Elemental 62 - 50 55.4%
954 1912 Amaelìna Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Big Wolves Little Foxes 38 - 39 49.4%
974 1972 Xshenron Altar of Storms Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation Bloodties 78 - 65 54.5%
983 2210 Warstomp Altar of Storms Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution Head Hunters 139 - 138 50.2%
1011 2068 Slayy Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Rogue Assassination 60 - 47 56.1%
1095 1925 Guttural Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 44 - 40 52.4%
1151 1749 Alibaba Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Rogue Assassination The Censored Heroes 72 - 71 50.3%
1209 1152 Roguemage Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Mage Fire 12 - 6 66.7%
1243 2028 Ezgladclass Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental 60 - 60 50.0%
1243 2028 Hbr Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Mental Decay 58 - 45 56.3%
1299 1890 Dawlmer Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 78 - 65 54.5%
1299 1890 Retailbad Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 104 - 96 52.0%
1303 2132 Gabz Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Priest Shadow Serendipity 126 - 120 51.2%
1316 1957 Edgé Altar of Storms Alliance Dwarf Female Monk Windwalker Expresso Depresso 111 - 99 52.9%
1336 1405 Vörtx Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost SpitBucket 18 - 18 50.0%
1370 2065 Spathus Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow Honorable 304 - 285 51.6%
1428 2121 Dahlmer Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 188 - 157 54.5%
1443 1962 Retailsucks Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Monk Mistweaver graveyard shift 143 - 127 53.0%
1467 1801 Myshampiece Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement BaboClub 34 - 26 56.7%
1510 1813 Jeezmo Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 75 - 70 51.7%
1557 2011 Rastora Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Warlock Affliction Resilience 74 - 73 50.3%
1559 1829 Baedolf Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration CEO Slayaz 239 - 263 47.6%
1575 2136 Pluckles Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery 90 - 63 58.8%
1606 1851 Dalmer Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 37 - 29 56.1%
1676 2128 Xsirhallinan Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery Bloodties 53 - 30 63.9%
1704 2064 Xjudge Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Paladin Retribution Bloodties 121 - 102 54.3%
1756 2122 Ryles Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Beast Mastery Divine Assassins 121 - 110 52.4%
1763 1801 Ice Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship 116 - 103 53.0%
1798 1989 Spath Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Priest Shadow 56 - 46 54.9%
1817 2096 Xepaman Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline 242 - 223 52.0%
1894 1699 Kreiesh Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction 27 - 36 42.9%
1910 1915 Alekto Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Warrior Arms Brooklyn 72 - 65 52.6%
1977 1824 Adawf Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 176 - 157 52.9%
2003 1694 Karlthuzad Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warlock Demonology Shadows of the Horde 27 - 32 45.8%
2069 1947 Shadowman Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Priest Shadow Lordaeron Philharmonic 182 - 172 51.4%
2070 1808 Alya Altar of Storms Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Restoration 26 - 21 55.3%
2089 1786 Adawf Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation 120 - 143 45.6%
2143 1746 Ejrr Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery Mental Decay 21 - 8 72.4%
2169 1929 Amaelina Altar of Storms Alliance Dracthyr Female Priest Shadow Big Wolves Little Foxes 43 - 37 53.8%
2228 1816 Typhus Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Krysis 48 - 54 47.1%
2267 1602 Chokurei Altar of Storms Horde Goblin Male Shaman Enhancement 44 - 44 50.0%
2272 1857 Picton Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 31 - 28 52.5%
2335 1808 Wesyraxes Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Serendipia 22 - 14 61.1%
2389 957 Bashtun Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Rogue Outlaw 10 - 20 33.3%
2405 1731 Retailgarb Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 56 - 43 56.6%
2442 2026 Itankrating Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Dishonorable Kill 68 - 40 63.0%
2542 1837 Mistybich Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver It Only Hurts When I PvP 74 - 77 49.0%
2556 1805 Møøseknuckle Altar of Storms Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Death Knight Frost 78 - 87 47.3%
2611 1840 Wexi Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warrior Arms Serendipia 25 - 27 48.1%
2628 2010 Sérenity Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Discipline 187 - 160 53.9%
2653 1307 Semip Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Survival Fate Sealed 17 - 43 28.3%
2663 1691 Ninjistick Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship I L L U M I N U S 89 - 89 50.0%
2677 1952 Wtfux Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 96 - 90 51.6%
2688 1711 Clonegodx Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration TR XVII 63 - 77 45.0%
2689 1830 Kwon Altar of Storms Horde Pandaren Male Monk Mistweaver 74 - 73 50.3%
2693 1479 Badvoodoo Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Rogue Subtlety 18 - 36 33.3%
2780 1456 Assassen Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Subtlety I L L U M I N U S 62 - 83 42.8%
2817 1824 Maomao Altar of Storms Alliance Pandaren Female Monk Mistweaver ILL NASTY 32 - 28 53.3%
2833 1238 Whixx Altar of Storms Horde Goblin Female Warlock Demonology Hateful Gaze 26 - 41 38.8%
2839 1228 Joviz Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Browncow Battalion 17 - 33 34.0%
2865 1782 Try Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy 87 - 79 52.4%
2868 1934 Pricton Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 212 - 212 50.0%
2872 1079 Crowstalker Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Survival Fury 13 - 30 30.2%
2890 96 Downlink Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Mage Frost 1 - 5 16.7%
2898 1055 Rubuu Altar of Storms Horde Mag'har Orc Male Hunter Survival We Love Goth Girls 11 - 19 36.7%
2918 1810 Mostpalone Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 57 - 41 58.2%
2944 1408 Joviz Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Browncow Battalion 61 - 76 44.5%
2962 1678 Willferall Altar of Storms Horde Troll Male Druid Restoration End 24 - 25 49.0%
2962 1678 Throatbruisr Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 26 - 16 61.9%
2963 1942 Palahuakbar Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Paladin Retribution The Censored Heroes 74 - 58 56.1%
2966 1508 Modflex Altar of Storms Alliance Worgen Male Death Knight Frost slit 63 - 88 41.7%
3002 511 Xdropdead Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Wreckage Crew 6 - 8 42.9%
3007 1821 Pricton Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Warrior Fury 152 - 147 50.8%
3018 1658 Boomshots Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Divine Assassins 91 - 88 50.8%
3031 1657 Radio Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship The Phoenix Fellowship 63 - 45 58.3%
3031 1394 Seek Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination The Cool Cats Coalition 41 - 34 54.7%
3063 1689 Abdulsarms Altar of Storms Horde Dracthyr Male Evoker Devastation The Darkest Ones 32 - 49 39.5%
3069 1288 Fugosucks Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Big Boys Club 26 - 50 34.2%
3072 1932 Wesleyp Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 160 - 155 50.8%
3078 1915 Atthegates Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Assorted Doom 255 - 240 51.5%
3088 1971 Kiwifruit Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy 134 - 108 55.4%
3091 1823 Saytan Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction 97 - 93 51.1%
3120 1817 Såråh Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Protection Big Wolves Little Foxes 30 - 30 50.0%
3139 1358 Infèctious Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Male Rogue Subtlety Master of Cheese 20 - 42 32.3%
3143 1357 Juststop Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Female Rogue Assassination Shots Fired 36 - 54 40.0%
3162 1435 Xerxes Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Balance 65 - 92 41.4%
3279 1795 Fister Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Monk Windwalker The Merloc Holmes Gang 71 - 76 48.3%
3281 1317 Arisanda Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Rogue Subtlety ATP 28 - 32 46.7%
3296 1896 Pvpheal Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Warrior Fury we are a guild 39 - 33 54.2%
3303 1806 Heydolf Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Monk Mistweaver 131 - 114 53.5%
3309 1791 Wreck Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Monk Windwalker 47 - 34 58.0%
3310 1956 Milliez Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Poppin Coolies 157 - 153 50.6%
3332 767 Azelia Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 8 - 16 33.3%
3382 672 Adelv Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 7 - 11 38.9%
3440 1805 Bigmediumd Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warrior Protection Divine Assassins 86 - 63 57.7%
3460 1949 Adelf Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 569 - 573 49.8%
3469 1802 Adelf Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 123 - 122 50.2%
3481 989 Dirtyblonded Altar of Storms Alliance Draenei Female Priest Holy 60 - 135 30.8%
3530 1681 Coog Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Kromcrushed 32 - 24 57.1%
3538 1780 Xdropdead Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Male Rogue Assassination Wreckage Crew 103 - 83 55.4%
3549 1888 Gerian Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution Da Baysht 33 - 36 47.8%
3552 1620 Emo Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship End 194 - 181 51.7%
3574 1815 Dravok Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Mage Frost 58 - 63 47.9%
3694 1669 Tensor Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Busy Dippin Cones 52 - 49 51.5%
3694 576 Grindel Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Warlock Demonology 7 - 9 43.8%
3713 1784 Dontkickme Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Warlock Affliction Old Godz of Azeroth 27 - 27 50.0%
3721 1811 Vörtx Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost SpitBucket 65 - 71 47.8%
3736 1923 Notshotaz Altar of Storms Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Paladin Holy Divine Assassins 131 - 121 52.0%
3745 1779 Nerfww Altar of Storms Alliance Gnome Female Monk Mistweaver never give up 35 - 33 51.5%
3755 1745 Tyrio Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination Resilience 25 - 35 41.7%
3766 480 Ogubadagri Altar of Storms Horde Zandalari Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery Old Timers 5 - 19 20.8%
3786 1919 Prikton Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy 170 - 173 49.6%
3815 1869 Smiteyo Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Paladin Holy War and Thunder 60 - 60 50.0%
3823 1734 Nopubes Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Rogue Assassination Elite Few 19 - 15 55.9%
3827 1652 Bizrs Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 35 - 45 43.8%
3839 1932 Cèrnunnos Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Beast Mastery War and Thunder 92 - 81 53.2%
3857 940 Rubylock Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Warlock Destruction Infinite Games 10 - 20 33.3%
3857 1649 Cry Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 57 - 64 47.1%
3857 192 Shizachan Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Outlaw Old Godz of Azeroth 2 - 10 16.7%
3901 1670 Daddystroke Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Unholy Get in the Truck 38 - 34 52.8%
4068 1731 Abysswalker Altar of Storms Horde Vulpera Male Warlock Affliction I L L U M I N U S 123 - 131 48.4%
4076 1056 Møøseknuckle Altar of Storms Horde Highmountain Tauren Female Death Knight Frost 11 - 13 45.8%
4087 1579 Rolypoly Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 103 - 115 47.2%
4099 1734 Boom Altar of Storms Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Fury 38 - 28 57.6%
4126 1695 Stealthstab Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Assassination Dishonorable Kill 65 - 68 48.9%
4170 1848 Roboutegman Altar of Storms Alliance Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin Protection Spare Some Change 142 - 126 53.0%
4225 1720 Fenrall Altar of Storms Horde Mag'har Orc Male Warrior Arms Avenging Narwhals 66 - 59 52.8%
4256 960 Typhus Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Death Knight Unholy Krysis 10 - 14 41.7%
4297 1884 Instructions Altar of Storms Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Holy 37 - 34 52.1%
4318 1725 Dabbledoya Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Monk Windwalker How I Met Your Murloc 24 - 36 40.0%
4375 1671 Shadowz Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Shadow 22 - 20 52.4%
4379 480 Adelf Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Priest Shadow 5 - 7 41.7%
4403 1535 Millies Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral Not My Fault 54 - 51 51.4%
4450 1576 Greengronk Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc 22 - 26 45.8%
4457 1575 Sarodi Altar of Storms Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Syndicus 37 - 43 46.3%
4466 1288 Juttvoker Altar of Storms Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation 17 - 22 43.6%
4476 1541 Thirdparty Altar of Storms Alliance Human Male Hunter Marksmanship Scorched Earth Policy 289 - 310 48.2%
4483 1887 Phonzie Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Brooklyn 111 - 101 52.4%
4492 1711 Meastrongorc Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver Watch The World Burn 80 - 93 46.2%
4500 480 Shacewoman Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Shaman Elemental Pandaren Death Metal 5 - 7 41.7%
4522 1551 Madpubes Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Shaman Restoration Vesper 28 - 38 42.4%
4560 1520 Content Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration We Hope 22 - 38 36.7%
4606 192 Gimpfather Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Hunter Marksmanship Get in the Truck 2 - 4 33.3%
4630 854 Jdvance Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Death Knight Unholy AMERICA 9 - 27 25.0%
4652 1627 Slaparina Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker The Censored Heroes 21 - 25 45.7%
4666 1622 Djinn Altar of Storms Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral Goodfellas 104 - 107 49.3%
4703 1632 Desire Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination 21 - 27 43.8%
4726 1412 Dawlmer Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 15 - 15 50.0%
4735 1617 Ishnuala Altar of Storms Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance CEO Slayaz 54 - 41 56.8%
4747 1821 Painn Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Warrior Fury Dishonorable Kill 44 - 50 46.8%
4785 1056 Evokeher Altar of Storms Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation Mowing The Lawn 11 - 1 91.7%
4806 1657 Kerragan Altar of Storms Alliance Void Elf Male Warrior Arms The Casuals 21 - 30 41.2%
4828 1857 Adelv Altar of Storms Horde Orc Female Hunter Beast Mastery 59 - 55 51.8%
4873 576 Deaddpool Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Rogue Subtlety Phase Terminale 6 - 18 25.0%
4912 192 Karén Altar of Storms Horde Undead Female Warlock Demonology Feared 2 - 4 33.3%
4935 1507 Debt Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration I L L U M I N U S 77 - 73 51.3%
4963 1329 Deezo Altar of Storms Horde Mag'har Orc Male Shaman Elemental 14 - 28 33.3%
4964 480 Endemic Altar of Storms Horde Undead Male Warlock Affliction Blood Bath and Beyond 5 - 13 27.8%
4964 480 Ssjcloak Altar of Storms Alliance Human Female Warlock Destruction 5 - 1 83.3%
4984 1637 Kenpachi Altar of Storms Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 40 - 44 47.6%

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).