Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Dragonblight US Solo Shuffle

56 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
63 2213 Dxdx Dragonblight Horde Orc Female Mage Fire dgb 45 - 14 76.3%
67 2514 Zayd Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance 180 - 132 57.7%
233 2384 Dxdx Dragonblight Horde Orc Female Mage Fire dgb 53 - 21 71.6%
244 1182 Auroch Dragonblight Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Blood 18 - 39 31.6%
364 2153 Wildgrowth Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 76 - 68 52.8%
454 2113 Sophia Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 318 - 305 51.0%
471 1991 Vergilius Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Yakusoku no Soapland 67 - 41 62.0%
650 192 Dotdots Dragonblight Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Mortis Invicta 2 - 4 33.3%
686 2137 Capybara Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Assassination Circle Jerk Fantasy Team 120 - 100 54.5%
933 1937 Cyclone Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration hey im angry 31 - 17 64.6%
934 1964 Rio Dragonblight Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 764 - 738 50.9%
1502 1802 Moorrt Dragonblight Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Ultimate 252 - 245 50.7%
1507 1625 Sub Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw SUPER NORMAL 20 - 16 55.6%
1557 1814 Moodyfox Dragonblight Alliance Worgen Female Druid Balance Ye Olde Crew 26 - 33 44.1%
1628 1849 Melts Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Elixir 27 - 23 54.0%
1669 2070 Pumpdaddie Dragonblight Horde Tauren Male Paladin Protection Maple Bacon 53 - 31 63.1%
1689 1804 Fame Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Balance Modest 51 - 51 50.0%
1720 1804 Pewpew Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Ye Olde Crew 34 - 36 48.6%
1862 528 Zzuko Dragonblight Alliance Void Elf Male Mage Fire 6 - 15 28.6%
1979 815 Dxdx Dragonblight Horde Orc Female Mage Fire dgb 9 - 2 81.8%
2014 1915 Caerik Dragonblight Horde Vulpera Male Mage Arcane 42 - 36 53.8%
2164 1821 Callmerebel Dragonblight Horde Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Ultimate 277 - 277 50.0%
2208 1783 Hawaiianfury Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration 35 - 43 44.9%
2358 1567 Shortstufz Dragonblight Alliance Gnome Male Warlock Demonology For Blood Not Honor 33 - 57 36.7%
2451 1430 Rockitt Dragonblight Horde Vulpera Male Hunter Survival Shattered Wings 47 - 59 44.3%
2588 192 Caps Dragonblight Horde Nightborne Female Mage Fire 2 - 4 33.3%
2864 1798 Entername Dragonblight Horde Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Insight 44 - 50 46.8%
2890 96 Neetirth Dragonblight Horde Undead Male Mage Fire Broken Relics 1 - 5 16.7%
2981 288 Fàlcor Dragonblight Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Unrêsted 3 - 9 25.0%
3003 1055 Bigbabybustx Dragonblight Alliance Dwarf Female Warlock Demonology Maple Bacon 11 - 19 36.7%
3081 1761 Røsa Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc 61 - 65 48.4%
3363 192 Caps Dragonblight Horde Nightborne Female Mage Fire 2 - 10 16.7%
3363 192 Drcoco Dragonblight Horde Blood Elf Female Mage Frost Radiant Guard 2 - 10 16.7%
3446 1356 Dotdots Dragonblight Horde Blood Elf Male Death Knight Frost Mortis Invicta 76 - 102 42.7%
3491 1963 Dragamess Dragonblight Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Wasted Wizards 139 - 140 49.8%
3590 1869 Balthazarx Dragonblight Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Warrior Fury PvP Ganksters 209 - 203 50.7%
3649 1929 Littlekanaka Dragonblight Alliance Human Female Paladin Holy Ye Olde Crew 193 - 196 49.6%
3793 1699 Feram Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral Circle Jerk Fantasy Team 45 - 51 46.9%
3798 1757 Thespaniard Dragonblight Alliance Void Elf Male Priest Shadow Circle Jerk Fantasy Team 30 - 18 62.5%
3928 1685 Itadori Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Feral GirlsGoneWarcraft 51 - 55 48.1%
3932 1005 Effektive Dragonblight Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 16 - 33 32.7%
3999 1904 Krazmite Dragonblight Horde Earthen Male Paladin Holy A Shrine to Madness 349 - 337 50.9%
4059 1050 Graseave Dragonblight Horde Tauren Female Druid Balance Horde First 11 - 13 45.8%
4294 1674 Caraxess Dragonblight Alliance Dracthyr Female Rogue Assassination 28 - 34 45.2%
4429 1715 Owlicks Dragonblight Alliance Human Female Monk Mistweaver 32 - 34 48.5%
4441 864 Darkhawaiian Dragonblight Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Frost Ye Olde Crew 9 - 9 50.0%
4491 1272 Bleue Dragonblight Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation GirlsGoneWarcraft 729 - 752 49.2%
4551 1649 Effektive Dragonblight Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination 40 - 44 47.6%
4610 672 Vodic Dragonblight Horde Undead Male Rogue Assassination Lullaby 7 - 11 38.9%
4611 1702 Hawaiianchi Dragonblight Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Glads of the Past 65 - 50 56.5%
4670 384 Chaingáng Dragonblight Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Endless Starlight 4 - 26 13.3%
4758 1498 Aïdz Dragonblight Horde Troll Female Druid Restoration Silent Shadow 22 - 22 50.0%
4818 1055 Hawaiianboy Dragonblight Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 11 - 19 36.7%
4836 1611 Kickashi Dragonblight Alliance Human Male Monk Windwalker 55 - 65 45.8%
4860 1609 Hawaiianchi Dragonblight Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Mistweaver Glads of the Past 18 - 19 48.6%
4999 1723 Wintour Dragonblight Alliance Void Elf Female Mage Frost Skill Capped 150 - 154 49.3%

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).