Solo 2v2 3v3 Blitz RBG

Kargath US Solo Shuffle

139 players

Spec Leaderboard Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win %
34 2587 Wompwomp Kargath Alliance Kul Tiran Female Monk Windwalker Cute 105 - 75 58.3%
61 2506 Burnout Kargath Horde Troll Female Monk Windwalker Doghouse Gaming 457 - 432 51.4%
68 2483 Drewy Kargath Alliance Human Female Monk Brewmaster 74 - 46 61.7%
71 2469 Crashout Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Monk Windwalker Cute 154 - 139 52.6%
114 2404 Anadal Kargath Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental The Dignified 125 - 97 56.3%
135 2431 Piratecaster Kargath Alliance Human Male Mage Frost The Dignified 83 - 72 53.5%
217 2113 Yaya Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Tushan 101 - 80 55.8%
241 2431 Snicklefritz Kargath Alliance Gnome Female Warrior Fury 182 - 155 54.0%
354 1962 Pashä Kargath Horde Orc Female Mage Arcane Death Incarnate 56 - 38 59.6%
366 2062 Babadooey Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Rogue Outlaw Twisted 41 - 35 53.9%
471 2141 Dripz Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Monk Windwalker Holy Sanchez 88 - 84 51.2%
487 1803 Yaya Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Tushan 116 - 96 54.7%
556 1935 Ragadi Kargath Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety FORTHEHORDE 93 - 81 53.4%
580 1728 Kerth Kargath Horde Orc Male Mage Fire FORTHEHORDE 80 - 88 47.6%
611 1813 Bricifernope Kargath Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Squirtle Squad 27 - 15 64.3%
614 2058 Sinell Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Death Knight Unholy Fellowship of Azeroth 102 - 96 51.5%
619 2151 Serrick Kargath Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Gods of Fire 83 - 61 57.6%
657 2033 Gigarawr Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Meat Sweats 81 - 80 50.3%
820 1944 Emophase Kargath Alliance Void Elf Male Warlock Destruction Sojourner 160 - 151 51.4%
826 1976 Dudevoker Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Dorcs 537 - 511 51.2%
876 1909 Djdazzle Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Holy The Church of BPK 38 - 28 57.6%
911 2101 Yaya Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Frost Tushan 49 - 29 62.8%
919 1904 Celdiir Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Death Knight Frost Sojourner 42 - 45 48.3%
945 2024 Tikorito Kargath Alliance Worgen Female Druid Feral Holy Sanchez 199 - 184 52.0%
958 1812 Luolan Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Female Rogue Outlaw Tushan 59 - 52 53.2%
974 2020 Huh Kargath Alliance Human Female Monk Windwalker has a low taper fade 206 - 192 51.8%
1004 1614 Thebeat Kargath Alliance Gnome Male Mage Arcane Ad Mortem Inimicus 40 - 34 54.1%
1015 2008 Yamakabinky Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 47 - 19 71.2%
1015 2031 Miamalkova Kargath Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver Uprising 60 - 54 52.6%
1029 96 Detaren Kargath Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury The Dignified 1 - 5 16.7%
1082 2131 Palthors Kargath Horde Tauren Male Paladin Protection PvP Paradise 183 - 171 51.7%
1104 1559 Valena Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Mage Arcane Fellowship of Azeroth 77 - 76 50.3%
1119 1800 Evasion Kargath Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety Keepers of the Shadow 61 - 60 50.4%
1155 1852 Killjoy Kargath Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Survival Bolt Thrower 52 - 47 52.5%
1191 1823 Dochapatin Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy Vientos de Batalla 87 - 105 45.3%
1324 1414 Wizzl Kargath Alliance Gnome Male Mage Arcane Avenging Teldrassil 17 - 37 31.5%
1342 2055 Mortella Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Affliction Fellowship of Azeroth 120 - 104 53.6%
1438 1724 Sparkk Kargath Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety Levelz 73 - 79 48.0%
1519 1831 Brustrasz Kargath Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation The Clique 36 - 40 47.4%
1535 2140 Nosmoke Kargath Horde Troll Male Hunter Beast Mastery FORTHEHORDE 86 - 68 55.8%
1572 765 Tìdbits Kargath Alliance Gnome Female Mage Fire 8 - 16 33.3%
1614 1806 Kosmos Kargath Alliance Draenei Female Death Knight Blood Damage on my ping 46 - 50 47.9%
1615 1938 Mw Kargath Horde Orc Female Monk Mistweaver 63 - 44 58.9%
1641 1578 Redrabbit Kargath Horde Vulpera Male Rogue Outlaw And The Forty Thieves 83 - 97 46.1%
1663 1838 Jotar Kargath Horde Orc Male Shaman Restoration 29 - 19 60.4%
1681 1806 Flique Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Hunter Marksmanship Fellowship of Azeroth 166 - 160 50.9%
1757 1998 Sliveer Kargath Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Shadow Death Incarnate 464 - 457 50.4%
1799 1917 Ethíx Kargath Alliance Human Male Rogue Assassination Angels Of Anarchy 42 - 42 50.0%
1845 1709 Facebegone Kargath Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Casual Heroes 20 - 28 41.7%
1883 1898 Mnk Kargath Horde Orc Male Monk Mistweaver 53 - 55 49.1%
1886 1734 Meyvn Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 38 - 34 52.8%
1887 480 Morgannon Kargath Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Elysian Dawn 5 - 13 27.8%
1993 2027 Friedcow Kargath Horde Tauren Male Warrior Fury Summit Sky 117 - 107 52.2%
2055 1874 Totemique Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Fellowship of Azeroth 34 - 34 50.0%
2117 1695 Flidan Kargath Alliance Human Male Death Knight Frost 20 - 10 66.7%
2163 1769 Ohioaug Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Augmentation Meat Sweats 94 - 76 55.3%
2184 1818 Brique Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Death Knight Blood Fellowship of Azeroth 69 - 75 47.9%
2212 2045 Twuzx Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline 96 - 83 53.6%
2229 1900 Kapizilia Kargath Alliance Human Male Warlock Affliction Honor without Regret 162 - 164 49.7%
2233 1778 Twuzkin Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Ad Mortem Inimicus 127 - 133 48.8%
2267 2040 Saltyshadow Kargath Alliance Human Male Priest Shadow 39 - 27 59.1%
2271 576 Morgannon Kargath Alliance Gnome Male Mage Fire Elysian Dawn 6 - 12 33.3%
2302 1605 Romanticide Kargath Horde Undead Male Warlock Destruction Fatal Union 58 - 64 47.5%
2327 1993 Pallycow Kargath Horde Tauren Male Paladin Retribution And The Forty Thieves 330 - 311 51.5%
2331 1485 Killjoy Kargath Alliance Void Elf Male Hunter Survival Bolt Thrower 17 - 10 63.0%
2370 1548 Letters Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Priest Discipline The Addams Family 23 - 25 47.9%
2372 1646 Gammeldruid Kargath Horde Highmountain Tauren Male Druid Balance Vanillà 101 - 112 47.4%
2393 1716 Cost Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Marksmanship 19 - 17 52.8%
2478 1764 Hexual Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Restoration 70 - 64 52.2%
2481 1978 Slimm Kargath Horde Zandalari Troll Male Paladin Retribution FORTHEHORDE 52 - 43 54.7%
2524 1838 Wrex Kargath Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Mistweaver The Clique 33 - 21 61.1%
2552 2016 Prayed Kargath Alliance Draenei Female Paladin Holy 33 - 23 58.9%
2659 1692 Kyosho Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship 113 - 121 48.3%
2661 1301 Druul Kargath Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Scrappin 46 - 59 43.8%
2677 672 Zevran Kargath Alliance Void Elf Male Rogue Outlaw 7 - 5 58.3%
2705 1709 Cybercat Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Cute 20 - 17 54.1%
2722 1851 Dovoso Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 30 - 30 50.0%
2727 1446 Nyctero Kargath Alliance Draenei Male Shaman Enhancement Not With That Attitude 44 - 35 55.7%
2833 1398 Dovoso Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Priest Shadow 50 - 63 44.2%
2980 1504 Cheekanator Kargath Horde Tauren Male Death Knight Frost Eternal Refuge 19 - 23 45.2%
3003 1922 Iwishiknew Kargath Horde Undead Male Warrior Fury Keepers of the Shadow 154 - 159 49.2%
3155 1659 Evanarius Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Druid Restoration 29 - 28 50.9%
3179 1747 Pov Kargath Alliance Draenei Female Shaman Elemental 20 - 16 55.6%
3209 1965 Loldotz Kargath Alliance Human Male Priest Discipline 99 - 78 55.9%
3227 1734 Pumpfake Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc UnhingedAF 41 - 49 45.6%
3250 1962 Dochapatin Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Holy Vientos de Batalla 185 - 180 50.7%
3280 1653 Dudevoker Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation Dorcs 54 - 50 51.9%
3289 1651 Moiraine Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation of the Blue Ajah 22 - 28 44.0%
3336 1397 Killaguy Kargath Horde Orc Male Death Knight Frost 15 - 25 37.5%
3444 1709 Morrat Kargath Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy SKÝÑET 98 - 86 53.3%
3536 1816 Sóren Kargath Horde Blood Elf Male Mage Arcane Vindicated 27 - 20 57.4%
3598 1695 Babadooeyy Kargath Horde Orc Female Death Knight Unholy Twisted 34 - 26 56.7%
3624 1292 Whartz Kargath Horde Goblin Male Death Knight Frost Battle Forged 82 - 83 49.7%
3631 1601 Moiraine Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Devastation of the Blue Ajah 30 - 42 41.7%
3641 1157 Krellas Kargath Horde Blood Elf Male Rogue Subtlety Electrotuned 22 - 38 36.7%
3665 1865 Friedcry Kargath Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury Squirtle Squad 114 - 106 51.8%
3687 1947 Durnic Kargath Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Pushing Stable 78 - 86 47.6%
3698 1251 Rivetro Kargath Alliance Mechagnome Male Death Knight Frost Rats 17 - 40 29.8%
3703 960 Hatorade Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Warlock Destruction SINGLE LADIES 10 - 8 55.6%
3704 1785 Dudelock Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction Ruinous 29 - 31 48.3%
3710 1875 Liekal Kargath Horde Blood Elf Male Paladin Retribution 40 - 50 44.4%
3721 1686 Dogglefrog Kargath Horde Orc Male Death Knight Unholy Zug City 115 - 105 52.3%
3768 1701 Siieerr Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Feral 34 - 31 52.3%
3850 1626 Gamba Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Female Shaman Elemental Tushan 17 - 13 56.7%
3937 1756 Adaana Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Warrior Arms Fellowship of Azeroth 137 - 131 51.1%
3956 1565 Zindalia Kargath Horde Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation Glass Dagger 51 - 54 48.6%
3956 426 Shagbog Kargath Horde Orc Male Hunter Beast Mastery Lionheart Company 6 - 19 24.0%
3956 1584 Allamouser Kargath Horde Tauren Male Druid Feral Vientos de Batalla 18 - 30 37.5%
3972 384 Dohaeris Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Hunter Survival Fellowship of Azeroth 4 - 2 66.7%
4058 1582 Shauria Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Fellowship of Azeroth 63 - 47 57.3%
4086 655 Nebbotwo Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Priest Shadow Souls of the Fallen 7 - 16 30.4%
4127 1546 Allaker Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Male Evoker Preservation 40 - 59 40.4%
4148 1544 Hah Kargath Alliance Dracthyr Female Evoker Preservation 290 - 333 46.5%
4181 1612 Lynael Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Demon Hunter Havoc Fellowship of Azeroth 22 - 31 41.5%
4183 669 Mcmullet Kargath Horde Orc Male Shaman Enhancement Loot Hoarders 7 - 17 29.2%
4204 96 Nometoqueso Kargath Horde Vulpera Male Rogue Subtlety Fallen Ones 1 - 11 8.3%
4218 1839 Detaren Kargath Alliance Human Male Warrior Fury The Dignified 296 - 299 49.7%
4263 1551 Serabe Kargath Horde Tauren Male Druid Restoration FORTHEHORDE 68 - 70 49.3%
4294 1559 Alvia Kargath Alliance Void Elf Female Hunter Marksmanship Ad Mortem Inimicus 45 - 38 54.2%
4315 1574 Tidalheals Kargath Alliance Pandaren Female Shaman Restoration Casual Gaymers 374 - 383 49.4%
4321 1671 Sparkk Kargath Horde Orc Male Rogue Subtlety Levelz 23 - 43 34.8%
4342 1648 Bigoledoink Kargath Horde Zandalari Troll Male Druid Feral Levelz 116 - 87 57.1%
4345 1591 Braxsar Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Demon Hunter Havoc Shadow Moses 69 - 52 57.0%
4379 480 Fitch Kargath Horde Undead Male Priest Discipline Electrotuned 6 - 10 37.5%
4428 1697 Theslammer Kargath Horde Orc Male Warrior Arms 50 - 42 54.3%
4542 1673 Gammellock Kargath Alliance Night Elf Male Warlock Affliction Vanillà 46 - 50 47.9%
4577 607 Gulrog Kargath Horde Orc Male Warlock Destruction 7 - 13 35.0%
4631 1862 Kindagud Kargath Horde Blood Elf Female Paladin Holy High N Mighty 175 - 172 50.4%
4670 384 Alannada Kargath Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy Booty Bay Surf Club 4 - 8 33.3%
4678 797 Jnov Kargath Alliance Worgen Male Death Knight Frost Toxic Army 9 - 11 45.0%
4719 1518 Np Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Hunter Beast Mastery 17 - 25 40.5%
4752 1653 Meyvn Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Warlock Affliction 122 - 109 52.8%
4803 1688 Jq Kargath Horde Pandaren Female Monk Windwalker Gaymers Reborn 24 - 38 38.7%
4837 384 Totemique Kargath Alliance Dark Iron Dwarf Male Shaman Enhancement Fellowship of Azeroth 4 - 8 33.3%
4873 576 Krypteia Kargath Horde Orc Male Rogue Outlaw Flight School 6 - 6 50.0%
4934 1603 Kezuke Kargath Alliance Kul Tiran Male Monk Brewmaster Stellâr 33 - 33 50.0%
4943 1727 Majique Kargath Alliance Human Male Mage Frost Fellowship of Azeroth 39 - 53 42.4%
4959 1479 Deadface Kargath Alliance Night Elf Female Druid Restoration Turn down for WHAT 21 - 51 29.2%
4987 288 Angeela Kargath Horde Blood Elf Female Priest Holy The Nights Watch 3 - 21 12.5%

Last updated 22 Feb 2025 13:16:36 UTC

Each leaderboard is limited to the top 5000 players as that is the maximum depth returned by Blizzard's API for each bracket's leaderboard - including for Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz (where each specialization has their own leaderboard).